Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leaping Liz--er, camels!

Happy Leap Day! And, since it coincides with Hump Day, how about accessorizing with this:

I love leap years. Once every four years, my birth month is a whole day longer. If you're prone to celebrating your whole birth month instead of just your birthday or birth week, this is a very good thing. Especially since everyone knows birth-month calories don't count. Score!

And what's not to love about an extra day? A freebie. A spare. A gift.

Not that many of us get the day off. Harumph. What's up with that, anyway? Seems like it would be the perfect holiday. If everyone would agree to pretend it's just like any other year--going from Feb. 28 to Mar. 1--then we could enjoy an un-numbered day without obligations.

Wouldn't that be a sweet deal?

Now I'm going to be a little...

...nosy. What are you going to do with your freebie day? 

Or, if you have to work, what would you like to be doing?

(Me? Why, I'm going to take advantage of my last day of free calories, of course. Pass the chocolate!)

BONUS QUESTION: We've all heard "look before you leap." Do you tend to be a looker or a leaper?


Anne Gallagher said...

I cannot believe how incredibly long those eyelashes are on that camel. I guess they would need them being in the desert and all,but man, what I wouldn't give to have lashes like that. Never need mascara again.

I'm digging in to rewrites again today. No rest for the incredibly wicked.

And yes, I'll have some chocolate please.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I took the day off, and I plan to spend most of my day finishing the first pass of my revisions and line edits on my manuscript.

And then going back to page 1 and starting the second round.

Couldn't ask for a better way to spend my extra day!

Unknown said...

soooo....let me get this straight. the calories i consume in your birth month don't count? why didn't anyone tell me this soooner?!?!

wait. oh, you meant the calories you consume in your birth month. well, that's disappointing.

ps. im a looker :)

Diane Henders said...

I'll be finishing the second half of my 14-hour drive to Manitoba today (and plotting some details for Book 5 of my series along the way).

I'm a real looker. :-)

I've always wanted to say that, but it's actually a lie. I'm more a glancer. Give it a quick look to make sure it won't actually kill me outright, and then jump right in.

Jessica Lemmon said...

I am off work today! *does embarrassing little dance*
And I'm using this day to squeeze every drop of creativity I can manage. Drawing! Writing! Grocery shopping! Er, well...I guess that COULD be creative if I blindfolded myself and picked items off the shelf at random...

Unknown said...

I just bought FEVER and I'll be reading a lot today! Woot! :D
And I agree that I was stunned by those looooooong eyelashes! :P

Deniz Bevan said...

I leap! Unless it's on a height, in which case I look, and then scuttle back.
Happy birthday month! I'm all for drinking martinis - er, partying in sober and discreet fashion, all month!

abby mumford said...

i can't explain it, so i won't really try, but something about having an extra day is pretty darn special. it reminds me of HARRY POTTER and how they showed up at grimauld place (the order of the phoenix headquarters) and at first you can't see it, but then two buildings spread apart and out pops grimauld place. leap day is like that.

okay, well, i did explain it.

in other news, i'm a total looker. i will leap eventually, just gimme a moment. kthxbai.

p.s. i'm waiting for the day when you can't find a camel pic that perfectly encapsulates that day's topic. i mean, a leaping camel? what are the chances? ;)

Bess Weatherby said...

I was not aware that calories were free today.


So I'll be swapping my afternoon coffee for an afternoon mocha. And will be looking forward to it all morning.

Thanks for the pick-me-up Linda!

Delia said...

Well, since calories are free today, I'll be eating the pan of blondies my daughter made yesterday and washing it down with some Bailey's. What? The kids won't mind. ;)

Also, looker some of the time, leaper most of the time.

Kristina L. Martin said...

I'm a looker. And another looker. And another. I am a Libra after all.

But if it's something I'm afraid to do, and have looked at it from afar for a good bit, I leap. And it ain't pretty most times...

Carol Kilgore said...

Usually I look when I should leap and leap when I should look. Story of my life. Love the tote! I'm working away on this free day and trying to think of something zany to celebrate.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Leaper for sure.
And I'm doing something I've been putting off for a while. Fixing my messed up hair. I hope. Otherwise I might end up looking like a camel.

Michele Shaw said...

I tend to be a looker, but then don't when I need to most! Ugh! I've been running around all day prepping for my daughter's b-day. She is a St. Pat's baby, but we always celebrate early as her b-day falls over spring break:)

Patsy said...

I look but don't think about what I've seen before deciding to lead anyway.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

You never fail to amaze me with your seemingly endless supply of camel pics to suit any and all occasions.

Me, I look first, but usually leap anyway, especially if someone dares me.

Sarah Tokeley said...

I usually leap, then look backwards and think 'oops, probably shouldn't have done that!'

Kimberly Sabatini said...

I was sick today--at least I didn't waste a "real" day. Bah.

Al said...

I was chairing a meeting for the whole day. Tiring!
Hump day is much more fun