While I was
slacking off on my blogging break several of my regular readers hinted they might be missing their regular infusion of entries for the Verifictionary.
(If you don't know about the Verifictionary, go
here for the deets. Oh, and try to ignore how pathetically comment-free that post is. I was using the Intense Debate commenting system then, and when it crashed it ate all my comments. *sob*)
Anyway, I tried to keep up with commenting on other blogs while taking a small break from my own, and I collected some more those formerly-annoying-but-now-loads-of-fun verification "words" that supposedly keep the spam-bots away.
gramize – What happens to a woman when her child has a baby. Ex: "Just because I've been gramized doesn't make me old!"
labloozi – When your retriever can't fetch the duck. Opposite of "labwinni."
outdoe – Proud lesbian deer.
outwish –What you do when you want your wish to be bigger and better than anyone else's.
pugstive – Feeling like a small, scrappy dog. Ex: "I'm feeling rather pugstive today, so don't cross me."
rodion – Kept moving while mounted. Ex: "I was ridin' my hoss and didn't want to stop, so I rodion."
sporb – Theoretical eating utensil. Similar to a spork, only spherical. (Though apparently, according to Wikipedia, "sporbs" are also creatures encountered by Samus in the Torvus Bog on Aether. I like my definition better.)
stsand –Patron saint of beach bunnies.
stskid –The patron saint of winter drivers.
vanitype – Bragging via a keyboard. Ex: "I couldn't stop myself from vanityping about my book deal."
versick – Really twisted poetry.
There you are! I'm open to alternate definitions if any happen to occur to you. Real words can have more than one meaning. Why shouldn't Verifictionary words?
Otherwise, how the heck have you been doing? All is well in your world, I hope. :)