Aaaah. Amore. The sweet, sweet bliss of rolling over in bed, gazing at your beloved, and hearing the words that mean so much come tumbling from his lips...
"Who the f*ck are you?"
Um, yeah. Not exactly what I expected, either. But I guess it's nice there are still some surprises left after all these years together. And, before we were married, he did promise me life would never be dull.
As the astute among you may have surmised, TG sometimes talks in his sleep. Mostly incoherent stuff that sounds sort of like a turkey drowning*, but now and then the words are all too clear. Much to his chagrin.
The little gem quoted above had him apologizing and explaining for days. Yeah, I believed his claim that he'd been dreaming about an intruder (a really bad, nasty intruder, one he was valiantly trying to protect me from), and it was that miscreant he was addressing, not me. But it was kind of fun to prolong his agony by pretending to take great offense.
(Sadistic? Moi? Um ... well ... okay, maybe a bit.)
Of course, now it's just plain funny to both of us. All either of us has to do to convulse the other with laughter is stop, in the middle of whatever we're doing, and say, "Who the f*ck are you?"
(In fact, that's how I plan on inscribing his special copy In A Fix next summer.)
So, have you had any interesting surprises yourself lately? Or maybe a WTF** moment you'd care to share?
P.S. I noticed I've picked up a few new subscribers to the blog. Thank you, and welcome! Also, I'd like to apologize for the use of poorly masked profanity in this post. I'd like to, but I won't, since, frankly, I've done it before and am quite likely to do it again. I can't help it if I have a potty mouth. Click here for explanation.
*Seriously. Imagine holding a turkey under water and listening to it gobble. Luckily, this doesn't happen often. Only when he's having a nightmare. Which is why I try to limit the number of scary movies we watch.
**WTF = What the f*ck. In case this is your first time on the internet and haven't run across that acronym before.