Friday, February 17, 2012

The Friday Hyposthesis

Me. You. The Ball. Now.

Wow. Was that too terse? Sorry, I'm . . . uh, testing a hypothesis. Um, yeah. That's the ticket. It isn't at all that I haven't got a Friday post in me this week.

What's that you say? What kind of hypothesis?

*clears throat* Well, um, I can't tell you that yet. Because it would, er, skew the data.

You wouldn't want me to skew the data, would you? WOULD YOU??

Of course not.

I'll let you know the results when they become apparent to me. In the meantime, come see me at The Debutante Ball. 

What's that you say again? (My, you're inquisitive today.) You want a clue before you click over?

Okay, here: A virgin, a time traveler, and a circus walk into a post . . . 

Now for your question: Are you a virgin time traveler who ran away to join a circus?


Kristina L. Martin said...

You, my dear lady, are cracking me up. You may also be in need of chocolate, booze, & a week with a hot man in an even hotter locale. Unfortunately, I can only provide 2 of those things. Perhaps you know someone else... :)

Carol Kilgore said...

Umm...I think I'll just go to the Ball without answering :)

Happy Weekend!

abby mumford said...

if i had a dime for every time someone asked me that question...

Diane Henders said...

Would that be a "virgin time traveller" or "virgin, time traveller"?

'Cause the answer's a little different, depending...

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Let's me squeeze my feet into these shoes, and I'll be right there ...

Kimberly Sabatini said...

must think very carefully about this....

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Now I'm going to have to change my name and move again.
&^&%$&*&^ Linda Grimes!

Patsy said...

Does coping with British Summer Time count for time travel?

Gorilla Bananas said...

As a former circus ape, I'm going to have look at this one...

Dave P Perlmutter said...

Very funny post and will be following which as of now, I am.. and will for sure be back often.

Follow me also if you wish at

Have a great weekend.