Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Yes, the day has finally arrived! THE BIG FIX has officially been released. I think that calls for a trumpet fanfare, don't you? (Never let it be said I don't enjoy my "moments" to the fullest. *grin*)

Photo by Glenn Brunette, via Wikimedia Commons.
I tried to get that town crier who just announced the birth of Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana to record a similar announcement for me, but apparently some things are Just. Not. Done. 

Oh, well. 

By the way, have you seen the new cover yet? (...asked Linda disingenuously.)

What's that you say? It looks the same? Ah, but it's not! Look closer. See there at the bottom right? 

They added "A Novel." 

That's how you can be sure it's not, you know, my autobiography or something. ;)

And here it is NAKED:

It's hard to tell from the pic, but the lettering and Tor logo are in a metallic raspberry pink. Pretty! :)

And now I have a small favor to ask. (Don't worry, it doesn't involve lending me money.) All I'm asking is, if you have the opportunity, that you help me get the word out about THE BIG FIX on any social media platform you happen to participate in. It can be something as simple as a tweet with the hashtag #TheBigFix, or a mention on Facebook, or Tumblr, or Pinterest, or Instagram, or even Google+ (does anyone even use Google+?).  

Anything to raise awareness would be great! Because I'd kind of like to sell enough of these suckers to convince my publisher to let keep on writing them. 

P.S. I'm leaving for the RT Booklovers Convention day after tomorrow. If you live near Dallas (or will be in the area), stop by the Hyatt Regency on Saturday (May 16th) between 11a.m. and 2p.m. I'll be signing at the Giant Book Fair, and I'd love to see you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

And the Caption Contest Winner is ...

Last week I posted a picture of a camel and asked for captions. (No need to take my word for it. Click here to see for yourself.)

I said another camel would be here this week to announce the winner, so here ya go:

Photo via morgeFile.com; words via moi.
If you can't see what the camel is proclaiming, it's Renee' Ross!!!

Her winning caption? This:

Photo via morgeFile.com

"It's Wednesday, you say? Darlin', in my world EVERY day is HUMP Day!"

I'd say that expresses what that camel is thinking quite nicely. Or, rather, quite naughtily. Which, to me (of course), is hilarious. 

Renee', if you'll email me at linda(dot)grimes(at)gmail(dot)com, I'll make arrangements for you to receive your pre-order of The Big Fix.

Anyone else who left a caption, email me and I'll arrange a digital copy of Pre-Fix for you via Amazon (for Kindle) or Barnes and Noble (for NOOK). Well, as long as you live in the US. I'm not sure how to give digital copies internationally. 

Thanks to everyone who participated! 

And may everyone have a Happy Hump Day! Whether it's Hump Day or not. *waggles eyebrows*