Yeah, I know. I don't understand it, either. She thinks I'm a rad read? Huh. There's just no accounting for taste, huh?
If I've linked it right, when you click on the picture you should be taken to a page on Elizabeth's blog that explains the award. If I haven't linked it right (a distinct possibility), try clicking here instead.
Anyway, thank you, E. Flora! Very much appreciated. :)
So, I'm supposed to share what I like about blogging, and what I hope to accomplish through this blog. Hmm...
What I Like about Blogging:
1. Well, in case anyone hasn't noticed, I'm kind of a smartass. (Also a badass. But that's another post.) This blog is the perfect outlet for my smart-assery.
2. The connection with my blog readers. Seriously, I love getting to know my readers through their comments. It's nice to know I'm not just talking to myself here.
3. I love visiting the blogs of the people who visit me here. I've "met" (cyber-ly speaking) some really cool people here. Your blogs rock, you guys!
4. As much as I oppose discipline in general, blogging on a regular basis does breed a certain amount of writing discipline, always a plus when you're trying to, yannoh, be a writer.
5. I get to be the boss of my blog. What I say goes. OH, THE POWER!!!! Bwah-ha--haaah!!!
What I Hope to Accomplish:
Really, I just like making people laugh, or at least smile. If someday (in the bright, shiny future) my books get published, and people who've read my blog remember my name and think, Hey, she's kinda funny. Maybe I'll give her book a try...well, that would be a huge bonus.
I'm also supposed to share a list of my favorite blogs. Gaaah! There are so many I enjoy. I'd be here all day if I tried to list them all. There's Elizabeth's, of course, which you can get to by clicking on the link above.
Here are some others I read regularly, and am always entertained by:
Suelandia (with amazing pictures of her welded art!)
...and I know I'm forgetting some, because my brain is a sieve sometimes. If I've left you out, please berate me in the comments, and I'll try to do better next time.
You've got a great list of blogs there! :o) Congrats on the award!
Congrats! Well deserved, indeed.
Congrats, you rad badass. :)
Congratulations! And I'm looking forward to this badass blog post...
Well deserved indeed! The connections were the one part of blogging I did not expect but have enjoyed most. It's awesome! I see we are following a lot of the same blogs, but there are a few new ones I can check out! Cool!
Thanks for being your badass self! :)
It is an award well-deserved! And by the way, I thought your smart-ass/bad-ass blog was one of my all time favorites! :D
I agree with you about the writing discipline. Even if I'm depressed by bad news (which I was, just a couple weeks ago), the blog forces me to get past it and just write.
Thanks for the mention and congrats on the award!
Hey congrats to you. And after your mention on my post this morning, you ARE one bad-ass writer! I won't be messing with you, that's for sure.
Thanks for my mention, that's awfully sweet, and I plan on going down your list because you have people I don't. So thanks.
Dang it, I'm on there! I was getting my pissy lecture all ready.
You're so fun.
Yay! I made the cut...and #7, too. Hmm...I'm going to have to work extra hard to crack the top five, huh? :)
From one smart-ass to another - your blog is definitely a rad read. Congrats on the award.
Goodness, you are a busy woman, aren't you? That's a HUGE list! I feel extremely lucky that you've dropped by my blog now.
I love reason #2. Blog commentors are possibly the coolest people in the world.
It must be the llamas.
slinking off to eat worms...
Geez, I KNEW I was going to leave off important people. I blame it on hormones. (Heck, I blame everything on hormones. Why not?) Anyway, thank all you guys for reading and commenting.
You are all RAD-ass in my book. :)
Congratulations, Linda! It is a well deserved award... you ARE rad, as is your blog. Thanks for mentioning my blog on your list. I'm glad you like it and am always happy to see your comments.
I'm going to go with the phrase "you go girl..."
Thanks for the mention :)
Thank you, darling! ~spits out worms~
Congrats on the award and like E. Flora I think you are totally deserving of it.
Besides you have flawless taste in blogs and I will now add all of those you mentioned to my must read list.
congrats! you're a winner!
CONGRATS on your Rad award! It is well deserved...and you ARE indeed funny and badass.
Congrats on your award! I agree 110% that you are a total RAD-ass and you have a bad-ass blog! You are one of my favorite smart-asses out there in Blogville. (Any asses I missed?)
Anyway, thanks for blogging and providing wonderful snark when it seems to be needed most! I am humbled to be listed on your blogroll as well!
See what happens when you do a weird google search for your own blog? YOU FIND ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS MENTIONED YOUR BLOG ON THEIRS!!!! EEK! What on earth was I doing back in November of 2010 that I missed your post?
Anyhoo, I adore you I hope you know that. Really and truly adore you. I hope someday I get to give you a really big squishy hug IRL.
Until then, this will have to do: {hug}
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