Since I am ever accommodating, I give you...
Llamas are CUTE:
Come on. Who can resist that face? Don't you just want to snuggle up with it, and let it nibble on your ears?
Llamas are also talented, as evidenced by this llama's uncanny ability to do celebrity impressions:
Llamas are even portable. Though they may not be the world's best car passengers...
Llamas are sometimes forgetful. For instance, this one forgot where it lleft its llegs (and its ears):
But llamas are still handy to have around if you ever need an excuse (and you know how fond I am of excuses):
If you enjoyed this llittle llesson about llamas, please tell me in the comments. If you didn't, please lleave a comment blaming Elizabeth.
Um, don't llamas also spit at you? ;)
Hehe, I liked it! Especially the celebrity impersonation. :) There's an alpaca farm next to my in-laws, and I love seeing them go through the seasonal changes. Especially the babies. :)
I do blame Elizabeth. Llamas are about as cute as camels, which is not cute at all. I'm especially reminded of that llama in 'Napoleon Dynamite'. Good film, ugly llama.
Hi Linda;
I llove your llamas! Especially the dress up llamas. Nice light hearted post. I enjoyed it and will be back. Thanks for a nice start to my Monday!!
I love llamas! There's an alpaca in my current WIP, so I think you should do alpacas next.
Er, that sounded wrong.
Beautiful, just beautiful! I think it's fabulous that you had two completely inadvertent (and mildly offensive) Twilight references. Accidents like these make my day.
Thanks for the giggle. A laugh on a Monday is always a good thing.
Child's school has two llamas they take care of. I see them every day!
(and it is weird what they do with their legs)
I love Llama's. "Is Your Mama a Llama?" was one of our favorite books when my babies were babies. And my oldest son went to prom with a very short girl and her three best friends, who are all very tall. I call them the girlfriend's Guard Llamas. Llamas are very protective and territorial. They are good for protecting sheep and keep teenaged boys away from very short girls.
The celebrity impression is a total crack up!
Hahahaha! It's not my fault! It was merely an observation!
But I liked it. :)
Ha! The llama passengers would get along with my kids.
LOLOL! You had me giggling at the impersonation!
hi miss linda! those pitures got me laughing sooooo hard. all i could say is ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
...laughs and hugs from lenny
Elizabeth Flora -- Kind of. I was reading that it's not really saliva, though. More like partially chewed cud. So, really they're throwing up on you. And it's only when they're annoyed or frightened. So don't tick off or scare a llama, and you should be okay. ;)
Summer -- Awww. Alpaca babies are soooo cute. :)
Suz -- LOL! Not a llama llover, I see. ;)
Heather -- Glad you like them. And you're welcome. :)
Tawna -- Can't wait to read it. Perhaps I'll do a post about alpacas in honor of its publication. :)
LadyGenette -- What makes you think they were inadvertent? ;)
Jeannie -- You're welcome. Always happy to amuse. :)
Suze -- Have they ever spit on you? Inquiring minds want to know.
Teri Anne -- Oh, that's a wonderful book! And I'm LOL-ing the keeping teenaged boys away from very short girls.
KarenG -- Yeah, have to admit I got a giggle out of that, too.
Elizabeth R -- Nope. Totally your fault. ;)
Gerb -- Yeah, they kind of reminded me of earlier days & long road trips. There are some perks that come with getting older; i.e., your kids do too. ;)
Jessica -- I know, right? So cute. :)
Lenny -- Hi there! Glad I could make you laugh. Hugs back. :)
I just llove you, Llinda. This is great. I too llove "Is your mama a llama" and we read it often.
You make a wonderfully convincing case for llamas, even though I must agree with Elizabeth Flora that they spit. Also, their shaggy, just don't hang around their backsides. Ew!
You forgot that some Llamas are famous. Like Lorenzo. Really, Linda, where was your head?
Llove me some llamas on a llame-ass Monday!
Oh, my gosh! The impressions thing is HILARIOUS!!
Sierra -- Mutual, babycakes. Mwah! Will try to avoid all llama backsides in the future.
Kelly -- *slaps forehead* D'oh! How could I forget Lorenzo. (Huh. Wonder how many people name their pet llamas Lorenzo? A lot, I'll bet.)
Demery -- LOL! Llame-ass Monday? Perfect!
Jennifer -- Yeah, when I first saw that, I nearly spewed my tea all over the screen. ;)
i was out of town and out of touch yesterday, so i'm just getting to this now. let me tell you, llamas on tuesday are just as funny as they are on monday.
i can't stop laughing at the celebrity impression.
well played, grimes, well played.
The TL comparison is priceless! Made my day!
They are cute! I used to want one really baaaaad. Got over it. Cats rule. That TL pic-- ~priceless~!
Abby -- Thank you. But with material as inherently interesting as llamas, really, who could go wrong? 0_0
Michelle -- But TL has MUCh better abs than any llama. ;)
Pseudosu -- Yes. Cats are much easier to litter-box train than llamas. Easier to fit on a lap, too.
Celebrity impersonation FTW.
Oh, it's vomit? That is SO much better. Thanks for that wonderful but of information. I'm never going near a llama again! LOL
I thoroughly enjoyed this "Llama Monday" bit. Who doesn't love a llama?
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