[First, a note to readers about my Intense Debate commenting difficulties: I'm trying to work things out. The latest "glitch" is disappearing comments. As in, all of the comments under the Intense Debate system decided to take a hike. Still not sure why. Anyway, I decided to enable the regular Blogger comments while I figure out the problem. If your comment got eaten, my apologies. Please bear with me.]
And now back to my regularly scheduled post:
So, I finally got to meet my agent -- the fabulous Michelle Wolfson -- in person over the weekend. She was at a writers conference near where my daughter lives, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone and combine a visit to DD with meeting Michelle.
Now, I had always heard Michelle was a little on the, um, little side, but it's tough to picture just how tiny she is until you meet her. Granted, at 5'9", I'm on the tall side (hello? Viking ancestors), so perhaps it was only from my perspective...nah. She's itsy-bitsy by any standard.
But, wow, there is a lot of pure go-get-it-iveness power in that diminutive frame! (This is an excellent quality in an agent, as I have reason to know. :)
My daughter and I met Michelle in the hotel lobby, and the gab-fest began. We discussed business, of course, bouncing ideas around like ping-pong balls. Peppered throughout, we talked kids and family and food -- just whatever popped into our heads.
Finally, we decided we were hungry enough for dinner, and headed over to a nearby restaurant. It was, I thought, pretty crowded, but Michelle said compared to what she was used to in New York it was nothing. We decided tough out the expected hour-long wait in the bar.
(I know. Harsh conditions. But the three of us, strong women that we all are, were up for it.)
Using her finely honed go-get-iveness, Michelle immediately zeroed in on the one vacant seat at the bar, and snagged it for us. She insisted I take it. I demurred, complaining that even sitting, I was still a head taller than her, and it would look funny in the picture I wanted DD to take of us. I finally gave in, because, really, who can argue with that kind of power?
BUT I figured, since she's my agent, she was entitled to fifteen percent of the barstool:
Isn't she adorable? I just wanted to put her in my pocket and carry her around with me everywhere, like my agency sistah, Kimberly Poppins, suggested on Twitter. My very own Pocket Agent. Doesn't that sound like a great resource?
Sadly, I figured my fellow Wolf Pack members might object, not to mention Michelle, who *cough* might have some objection of her own to taking up residence in my pocket. So I didn't.
See? I can be big. (Heh-heh.) I can share.
(Huh. Here I am at the end of the post, and me without the obligatory comment-generating question to ask my readers. Um...so, what's your favorite color? And, seriously, isn't my agent cute?)
It always amazes me how big America is and the fact you don't have to meet your agent to get an agent initially! :)
Very cute! I'm glad you had such a fun time together.
and, PINK!
I admit, you win. When I met Michelle, she didn't jump into my lap or tell me to sit so she could jump into my lap.
This is probably a good thing. I also met her husband.
Very cute! And I love that I can still see the pink stripe! :)
Oh, and red.
Aww...she IS cute--and so are you! :-)
This picture cracks me up. As did you, Linda. I had a great time!!
Is that lint in her hair? *giggle* Clean out those pockets girl!!!! Love that pic and you summed her up perfectly. I always say she's a cross between Tinker Bell and a Bad Ass Ninja!!!! Glad you guys had a wonderful time.
I love the color of your jacket and that picture is rather priceless. You're color coordinated not to mention she really does look like she has 15% of that seat.
ROTFL, that's a GREAT picture! Now I want a bigger version of that pic!
I'm so jealou--erm, happy that you got to meet her! And thanks for sharing! :D
Geez, Linda, way to go. Now we all want a pocket agent of our very own. But I don't think I'd keep mine in my pocket. On my shoulder, maybe. Yeah, definitely on my shoulder.
Haha, you are both equally adorable. My favorite color to wear is light pink! In general, green :)
Your agent is cute all right, but man you ARE from Viking stock! Wow!
Great picture and great post. How exciting!
What a fabulous picture! I suppose I shouldn't be jealous that I haven't yet Michelle, since I'll get to meet her in June. Still. I feel very left out :)
I hope you at least had an extra drink for me?
Hmm Maybe this should be a new Wolf Pack ritual. Every memeber of the wolf pack needs to have their picture taken with Michelle in their lap - I mean taking her 15% of the chair :)
She's so cute! I want to borrow her for my figurine shelf.
Great photo! You both look cute and fun!
LOVE the picture and so glad you got to meet your agent. I hope I'll get to meet Denise some day soon!
Great pic, Linda! I'm so excited for you. Looks like you and your agent are the perfect fit:)
Ha, ha! That's funny. Love the pick. And yes, I would object to you turning her into your pocket agent. :)
That pic is faboo. Love that I can still make out "the streak"! You both look adorable but seriously? 5'9"? I'm not jealous.....not one bit!
Some days my fave color is pink, others brown. I'm having a brown day today (probably b/c it's the color of coffee - which I heart!)
And yes, your agent is a doll, as are you, dear!
Yay, I can comment!!
Michelle is adorable, and I'm glad you had so much fun. It looks like a blast! Wish I was there.
Oh -- you are BOTH so cute! I'm sure you had an absolute hoot at the bar, meeting each other! What an awesome picture!
I loved the picture of the two of you. From your profile picture I would never have known you were tall (says the 5' woman).
Sounds like the two of you got along famously. (Hugs)Indigo
Fab photo! Too cute. :D
15% of the bar stool! classic. it sounds like a very fun meeting of the minds. :)
Your agent is adorable! So glad you got to meet her in person. Lovely!
And it's blue-grey ;)
~ Bess
When I found that agents took 15% of the author, I didn't think it meant zize. :)
Thanks so much for the comments, you guys! I really love hearing from you. :)
Chiming in late but I had to say what an adorable picture that was! She looks too young to drink at a bar! Glad you guys had a chance to meet in person.
Linda, I sincerely hope that the next time I meet my agent (he doesn't remember the first time) he doesn't try to sit on my lap. [g]
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