Remember the verifictionary?
Well, I've been continuing to make the blog rounds, so I've come across more security "words" in those annoying* boxes that pop up to make sure you are, indeed, a human being and not a spam-bot.
Recently Found:
ovenato -- A roasted tomato.
ovadu-- What a book is when you don't return it to the library on time.
muledg -- How many miles you get per bale of hay with your mule.
fulti --What Dolly Parton's undershirt is.
oppeat -- When you have to do the op over again.
pitysin -- What a bad boy does when he feels sorry for you.
expolo --Something that is no longer a popular men's fragrance.
exilk -- Someone who used to be of a certain ilk, but is no longer.
swoodium -- Little known member of the Periodic Table of Elements. Being in its presence makes people first stiffen like a board, and then faint.
irings--What your iPhone does.
bimander -- A salamander that swings both ways.
inona -- What you are with a joke when you know about it and somebody else doesn't.
Have you guys been playing the game, too? Come across any good ones?
*Yes, I know why people use them. They serve a very useful purpose. Spam is a nasty thing, and nobody likes to deal with it. Those anti-spam words guard the gate. Kind of like parents with their children. Doesn't mean they're not annoying. Some useful things are very annoying. Kind of like parents with...yeah.**
**(Yes, I'm footnoting my footnote. Tres outrageous of me, yes?) See, I do remember what it was like to be a teenager. Vaguely.
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