How's this guy for Wednesday's camel?
Doesn't this picture just scream "I don't wanna and you can't make me!"
I feel like that sometimes. (Okay, every time there's cooking or cleaning on the agenda.)
How about you? What's the last thing you just did not want to do, and really dug your heels in about?
Or, for the writers among you, has a character ever done this to you? (If so, who won? You or your character?)
I finally just mowed the lawn this morning after weeks of saying 'I know it looks like a jungle. i don't care!':)
I look like this every day! Every day I find something I don't want to do. Like now, I should throw in a load of laundry considering I see blue sky outside and the monsoons have finally abated, but I'd rather fool around on the blogs for awhile. And my characters do this to me all the time.
oooh, that was me on monday night. i didn't want to read a particular email or respond to another one. i totally made that camel face.
Heheh, GREAT photo. Um, yeah, I pretty much feel like this every time I have to get dressed in the morning. If I could live in bed I would. :o)
Are there people who don't look like this when it's time to clean? Because if so, I'd like to invite those people over.
laundry. laundry makes my face look like that.
You know, we both do a regular "hump day" post, but I yield to you as the humpiest.
Love that face.
I don't so much dig in my heels as procrastinate my way around things.
Every day is filled with things i don't wanna do, but must, so I do them and then reward myself with chocolate or writing time -- er, ok, with both.
In my writing, I had this one character who insisted on being all chivalrous. The problem was he was a real alpha male slut type of character, and I wasn't ready for him to be 'in love.'
I finally gave up and let him have his own way. He fell with a splat for the heroine, got his heart stomped on. To date, this is one of my favorite books.
Not only "I don't wanna and you can't make me", but also, "... and if you try to make me, you'll be very, very sorry."
I don't make that face very often. But when I do, look out.
Just sayin' :)
Hmmm...probably this morning, when I thought, I don't want to make breakfast. So I didn't. And . . . now I'm at the office and starving and about to go raid the candy dish.
Hershey kisses for breakfast? Anyone? ANYONE?
I seriously hate to iron and refuse to do it. (Not to mention that I suck at it!) My poor husband piles up his shirts and waits for my mom to visit because she always does it. In my defense, I do EVERYTHING else. And that includes all the yard work:) But ironing, just...nooooo! I'd rather clean toilets, weird as that may sound.
Yep. Just got back from grocery shopping and I can honestly say I DIDN'T WANNA. I dug my heels in as long as I could.
My characters do that to me sometimes, but when THEY do it, I usually have to figure out why, and it usually ends up that I'm trying to force them to do something that's out of character. Sigh. :)
Love that picture. I've seen that same look on our grandchidren's faces a time or two. I don't so much dig my heels in and refuse to do something as I do finagle my way into delaying it. Like re-wallpapering my kitchen. UGH! (Hopefully, I can get away with scrubbing it a couple more times ...)
Characters don't give me a hard time, but occasionally, a scene will. And it may take me a while ( a LOOOOOONG while) but in the end, I win.
Edited my entire MS *just once more* before submitting to agents/pub houses again...took me TWO MONTHS, then the first agent I queried asked for the full MS within 3 minutes... You could say I was glad I'd painstakingly reviewed the entire thing!!!
I am pretty sure I saw that expression on one of my students today.
God, that camel looks just like me when I get in a mood. (Don't tell anyone LOL!)
that's me when someone interrupts my reading-marathons. i've actually made that face a couple dozen times in the last two days because im reading such a kickass book and people think they can just interrupt me for any little thing. bastards! guess as to what kickass book i'm reading right now ;)
That camel looks seriously miffed!
One of my minor POV characters decided she was a major character.
She won.
I'm rewriting my manuscript the way she wants it!
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