Friday, May 4, 2012

IN A FIX ARC Giveaway!

I've had a heart-warming number of requests for Advance Reader Copies of In a Fix. It kind of freaks me out that people actually, yanno, want to read my book.

No, that's not false modesty, which, btw, makes me gag. It's just that when the whole journey to publication takes as long as it has, you (and by "you" I mean "I") start to feel like your book is your secret playmate. The imaginary friend no one else can see.

Then you get these actual physical copies of the book, and suddenly it's real, not imaginary, and other people want to play with your friend!

If I had enough copies, I'd send an ARC to each and every person who wanted one. Alas, my publisher won't let me do that. They have some crazy idea about this eventually being a money-making venture. (Which, I have to say, TG heartily agrees with. He keeps reminding me that he'd like to retire one day.)

Sooo, I thought could hold a simple little contest, and the winner will get an ARC, either signed or not (winner's choice). Heck, I'll even inscribe it however the winner likes.

(Um, within reason. I won't, for instance, write "I.O.U. a million dollars" and then sign my name beneath it. But I will, say, go as far as to call you "Cutie Pie" or "Genius Head" or "My most brilliant blog follower," if that's what you want.)

Anyway, if you'd like a chance to win this ...

...all you have to do is leave a comment telling me so.

You get an extra entry if you follow my blog. (Yes, you can go ahead and follow now, if you don't already. I won't be offended. Heck, I'll probably be flattered.) So tell me if you follow my blog, and I'll add another entry to the pot for you.

And, let's see, something else...okay, I know. My MC's job title is "Facilitator." She fixes other people's problems for a living. As them. (She can do that because she's an aura adaptor--a kind of human chameleon. Click here to read more about the book.)

So, for an extra-extra entry, if you could hire Ciel to fix a problem for you, as you, what would you have her do?

(Me? I'd have her fill in at my first book signing, in case nobody shows up and I'm left sitting there, sweating and smiling awkwardly. Because that's a scenario I'd really love to avoid.)

Contest will be closed Sunday, May 6, at midnight EDT. I'll announce the winner Monday.

P.S. OH! I almost forgot to point you over to my Debutante Ball post. This week we're talking about temptation. Oooh-la-lah! And there are pictures. *nudge-nudge, wink-wink*


Julie K said...

I saw this in my reader and had to click through...just to officially say congrats! Yay, you! :)

Tiffany Schmidt said...

Hooray ARCs!!!

Hmmm. I wouldn't mind having Ciel go to the dentist for me. Of course, then MY teeth wouldn't get clean, so it doesn't really fix the problem...


Delia said...

We wants it!

Hmmm...How's Ciel with editing? No, scratch that. I can do that myself. How's Ciel with packing two kids for camp? Or, no wait...laundry! Can Ciel do every stitch of laundry in my house? And sort out the stuff that doesn't fit anyone? And fold it? And put it all away neatly even though I have no closets? For that, I'd be willing to pay. (Probably in compliments, though. Money's scarce. She wouldn't mind, would she?)

Kerry Schafer said...

I would definitely love an ARC. And guess what? I already follow the blog! Could Ciel please go to work for me every day so i can stay home and write and drink coffee & hang out on Twitter? This would be AWESOME.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Woo-hoo!! I love that your MC's job title is "facilitator". Can she fix her own problems too?

I love her to be my stand-in too--when I commit to too many things and have to be in two places at once. LOl Or maybe she could just say, "No" for me. :)

Unknown said...

I want. I want. I want! (and I already follow you, have for, like, that should get me bonus point, right? RIGHT?!?)

also, "facilitator" is in my blog & twitter description, as in 'facilitator of snark' more bonus points? ;)

Patty Blount said...

Oh, I want one! And yes, I have a problem for Ciel to fix, but I fear it's beyond anyone's power...

I just want my mom back.

Elisabeth Black said...

I would love an ARC of this book!

abby mumford said...

clearly, i'd LOVE to be added to the list of candidates to (potentially) receive an ARC. as they say, SIGN ME UP.

if ciel could help me out, i'd have her drink caffeine for me so that way i could drink it without getting the shakes, the jitters, and a blood sugar crash. whee! i can't wait!

Bess Weatherby said...

Oooh! Sign me up! I would have Ciel show up as me at family parties so I don't have to! Hopefully she would do something scandalous and freak em all out ;$

Steph Schmidt said...

That cover makes me smile every time I see it! Of course I'd love an arc if only to read this awesome sounding story sooner.

I'm not sure I have anything Ceil could help me with... unless she could appear as my boss and tell HR to give me a raise...

Summer Frey said...

I'd make Ciel do bowel disimpactions for me at the hospital. Hee.

I don't want to win an ARC, though--I want to fling money at you in September! :D

Michele Shaw said...

Heck,yes, I want a copy. And I want it signed, baby! I'm a blog follower, ummm, guess you know that;) I first thought I'd like Ciel to workout for me, but then I decided I'd like to send her every time I have to have an awkward conversation, deal with unpleasant people, or give bad news!

Trisha Leigh said...


Okay, I follow your blog, of course. And Ciel...I think I would have her hang out with this friend of mine from high school that I can't shake even though I don't enjoy spending time with her.

Poor Ciel.

Congrats, LInda!!

Diane Henders said...

Oooh, me, me, pick me!


Yes, please, I'd be delighted to have an ARC. Does my RSS feed count as a follow?

I'd definitely hire Ciel to go to networking meetings for me. Scratch that; any kind of meeting for which I have to dress up, remember not to swear, and pretend to be concerned about some obscure and irrelevant crap while my butt slowly falls asleep.

Because one of these days I'm going to snap. I'll stand up in a meeting, unleash a torrent of withering profanity, perhaps along with a rip-roaring fart, and then stride out of the room cackling with unholy glee.

It used to be a nightmare. Now it's a dream...

Jessica Lemmon said...

Memememe! (don't I have a lovely singing voice?)
Ciel can solve this Tumbleweed dog hair situation we seem to have in the house. Ya know, where you clean immaculately, then your guests arrive and poof! Giant dog hair tumbleweed rolls out from under the couch. Talk about sweating and smiling awkwardly... ;)

Susan Adrian said...

You know how much I love this book, bb. SO happy it's making its way out there.

Can I have Ciel come in and spend a whole weekend cleaning my house? PLEASE?

Anonymous said...

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

I don't have the best understanding of the follow process but I'm pretty sure I follow you. It said something like I was already a follower when I tried to follow you just now.

Could Ciel write 10,000 words a day for a couple of days in a row on my wip? That way I could be closer to finishing and probably win the chocolate.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

The comment starting gimme, gimme, gimme is mine. Not sure how I managed to be anonymous.

Linda G. said...

Pssst...Anonymous, I would love to add your name to the entries, but I have to know it first. ;)

Linda G. said...

Ah. Triple-J. Thanks for coming back and telling me who you are! :D

out of the wordwork said...

You knows I want one! And I will forever follow your blog just for the cute camel pics.
Congrats on your beautiful arcs, Linda. Whether I win an arc or no I'm dying to read Ciel's story. Can't wait!
Oh, and as for what Ciel could help me with - can she transform herself into a finished deck or patio by June? That would be awesome. :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Yes, yes, YES, I'd LOVE a signed copy of your book! (Who WOULDN'T?) Yep to being a follower already, too. As for what Ciel could do for me, how about if she turns our (ahem) yard (and I use the term loosely)into a showcase garden? Oh, and maintains it, too. I'll give her all the cool drinks and homemade meals her little heart desires.

Unknown said...

Oh! Oh! Pick me! I remember reading an early version of this aura-wearing gal. Can't wait to see what you've done with it!

Anne Gallagher said...

Pick me, pick me! I'm a follower. I love your camels. Does that count?

If Ciel could "facilitate" for me, I would like her to get rid of my daughter's father. Not to kill him, but to get him out of our lives, like to get him to live on the other end of the world without a way to get back. Could Ciel really do that I wonder. He does go away but then he always turns up again like a bad penny.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Can Ciel go to my daughter's Confirmation? Because I get nervous about lightning strikes every time I have to go into a church.

But let somebody else have the ARC, 'cause I'm going to buy your book on Kindle when it comes out. ;)

LD Masterson said...

I'm already a Follower so I get that entry.

I'm signed up to chauffer a group of young teens to midnight bowling tonight (a church youth group thing). Got to take them at 11:30 p.m. and bring them back at 2:30 a.m. Would Ciel like to take over that duty for me?

jill said...

Does Ciel repair tractors? Or dry up muddy pastures? I'd love her help with either of those.

And I've always tried to follow links or my favorites bookmark list to get to your blog, but I've officially 'followed' it now!

I'd love to get an ARC - it's the easiest way to get a copy signed by the author herself. (Until you come on a whirlwind, nationwide signing tour.)

Anonymous said...

um, YES I want an IN A FIX ARC! x) I'm a new follower.

hrm... I would have Ciel take my finals for me. granted, I only have one left, but it's MATH. and math just sucks.

thanks, Linda!

Anubha said...

I would love to have the ARC... I am a new follower
I would ask Ciel to give my remaining college entrance exam so I could resume to reading n will get time to think about what my blog name should be n how it should be designed... :)

Patsy said...

I want to win please - I follow your blog and everything!!!

I wouldn't have Ciel be me, I'd have her be you and then pick me as the winner.

karenk said...


thanks for the chance to read your fabulous novel :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Sandy said...

I'd probably have Ciel go in and take my finals this week! Nothing too life-threatening, lol.

Anyway, thank you for the awesome giveaway! I'm also a new follower ;)

Linda G. said...

Okay, entries are officially closed! Thank you all for playing along. :)