Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why Etiding is Improtant

Dear Canada:

That is not a deer.

Linda G.

So, have you ever had an OMG editing moment of your own? One you didn't discover until it was too late to fix? Maybe in an email or a manuscript, after you hit "send"?

(Geez, whoever eventually invents the "unsend" button is going to be a freaking gazillionaire.)


Anne Gallagher said...

You're kidding right? I've punched myself in the face a few times knowing that email or query should NOT have gone out.

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

Lol! That sign should read "humping ahead."

Michele Shaw said...

My worst typos have been in Tweets. That's usually when I'm in a big hurry. And, hey, you never know, they may be growing some funky deer in Canada these days:)

abby mumford said...

i can't think of a severe editing mistake off the top of my head, but i have done that horrible thing where you hit reply all instead of just reply.... eek.

p.s. that sign is CLASSIC. it fulfilled your wednesday blogging mission perfectly.

Bess Weatherby said...

Haha this is a classic, excellent camel sign. And YES! Someone needs to invent the "unsend" button. I would kiss them!

Steph Schmidt said...

YES! Sending a resume with the wrong phone number. I'm so winning at being an adult.

Trisha Leigh said...

That is hilarious. I think my favorite was on a newscast in the Ozarks (which ALMOST excuses this) were they misspelled "immigrant" on a graphic.

Immagrint. Really.

out of the wordwork said...

Camel/deer - we're all Canadians up here!

And Linda, wait till you find a typo in your published book. Gah. Even after several pairs of eyes have gone over it. Five times.
*face palm*

Carol Kilgore said...

Too many times to count after hitting send. Sadly.

Tara said...

OMG! Is that real? LOL.

Jessica Lemmon said...

My recent manuscript. I literally had the wrong character name after dialog. It read something like:

"Blah blah blah," Dave said.

"Oh yeah?" Dave retorted, "Well, blah blah blah."

Sooooo, I guess my character was talking to himself. Awesome. :P

Patty Blount said...

Oh, Lord, I am the Queen of Foot in Mouth!

For more information on the "Vulvan Mind Meld typo, see my blog:

Patsy said...

Great sign!

Isn't it strange how emails stay on the screen just long enough for us to see we've mis-spelled the editor's name, before they whizz off to their destination?

Patty Blount said...

Also, can I just add that if anyone does invent an Unsend button, it would kill the entire premise of my book - it's called SEND! *shudders*

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Sometimes I have trouble reading the itty bitty print on my phone ... or Facebook. That's the biggest source of my editing errors -- over-forty vision!

Bagman and Butler said...

...when the County Budget Office sent out an email regarding a new payroll policy and accidentally attached a spreadsheet listing everyone's name and salary.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Oh God, more times than I care to remember, in ever aspect of my life and in every possible medium.

Ciara said...

OMW, SO many times. :) I just finished writing a post for a guest blog on my upcoming tour about a disastrous Query letter. I don't want to give anything away, but I think I get the crown for stupidity. :) I would LOVE a DO OVER button.

Linda G. said...

So glad I'm not the only one with editing snafus. Thanks for your comments, everyone!

Kelly Breakey said...

Every single day!

Kelly Breakey said...

Every Single Day.