TG and I had to laugh when we saw this sign* on the way home from the hospital after visiting his dad. Hope it gives you a chuckle, too.
*Uh...if you don't know why it's funny, I'm not explaining it. Let's just say I have juvenile sense of humor, and leave it at that. Carry on.
HA! Don't worry, I'm right there with you and your humor!
I just spat water all over the computer!
Okay my head is not in the gutter but I think the real question here is...
1. Is this cautionary for humpers in cars
2. Is it more of a sighting thing. You know like a deer crossing. Slow down speed humpers may be present on the side of the road.
Okay, I will stop, but as you know I have a ton more of the.
How does that sign not get stolen?
So...did you speed hump?
Candyland -- Somehow I knew I could count on you. ;)
Kelly -- LOL! Hadn't thought of that second interpretation. I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled next time.
SM -- I KNOW! If it hadn't been broad daylight, I might've been tempted myself.
Sierra -- *bats eyelashes demurely* I'll never tell...
*giggle* I read stuff like this and think about the poor penitentiary workers "pumping" them out. (Is that even done anymore or is that as old school as my 8-Track?)
Anyhoo, so glad you got a laugh on what must have been a tough day. {hug}
I snicker every time I see this sign, too. :D Glad I'm not the only twelve year old in a 30-something's body.
If we're treating it as a command, I would have to object. I like to take my time and make every hump count.
Speed hump is better than no hump!
Is this anything like speed dating? oops
so boring in my country, I drive over twelve of those twice a day and have never seen this sign!
I will get a weird side glance each time I giggle over a hump now.
Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the quickie (laugh, that is)!
Oh we ARE agency-sistah soulmates! We passed one of those signs in Portland a few weeks ago and I made my husband stop the car so I could get out and take a picture of it. Great (or demented) minds think alike!
Kristina -- Beats me. It's been forever since I was in prison. ;)
Amy -- Ha! I could only wish my inner 12-year-old was still housed in a thirty-something body. ;)
Bill -- LOL! I can only surmise your wife is a happy woman. ;)
Mahala -- Amen! :)
Katt -- Ha! At least speed humps will be more entertaining for you now. ;)
demery -- You're welcome! :)
Tawna -- LOL! No kidding. I think Michelle was right about us. ;)
You are so naughty. That's why I love you. :)
HILARIOUS. I would have stopped the car too. Bill's comment made me spit out spaghetti sauce.
I have a few questions regarding this sign:
1. How is it policed? Do they have hidden cameras at said sign to make certain people are, indeed, speed humping?
2. What speed is considered fast enough? I mean, they have to have minimums established, right?
3. What is the punishment for not obeying this law? Do you need to take some special humping class?
Of course, I might have follow-up questions depending on the answers. Good day! :)
Deb -- Why, thank you muchly. I aims to please. :)
Trisha -- Me, too. Well, if I'd been eating spaghetti when I read it, I mean. But it did make me LOL.
Karla -- 1. I'm pretty sure there's a web cam. We just have to hunt down the URL. 2. Maybe it's like a shower massage, with three speeds: low, high, and who-needs-a-man? 3. Perhaps some sort of *cough* community service? *wink, wink*
I... I don't get it.
Courtney -- Well, you see, when a man and a woman like each other VERY much...oh, never mind. I'll tell you when you're older. ;)
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