...so I don't have to do it alone.
Yes, I woke up this morning, after an extremely hectic weekend, and realized I didn't have a blog post written.
I tried pushing this:
But it didn't work.
No matter how hard I jabbed it.
Then I found this:
Sounds like good advice to me.
Two questions for you today. (You can answer either one. Or both. Or neither. But I'd really love it if you answered at least one of them, because then I'd feel less, yanno, panicky about screwing up this blog post.)
1. What makes you panic?
2. What's your favorite procrastination activity?
Almost everything makes me panic...sometimes. My kids, certainly (codependent often?). And I HATE HATE HATE to be late.
On the other hand, I can procrastinate over anything...with anything...computer games, books, mundane household chores that are only necessary when I have something important and unpleasant to do...
1. Hitchhiker's Guide advice: Don't Panic
2. Hard work pays off eventually; procastination pays off right now.
For not having a blog post, you pulled this off beautifully, Linda.
The internet helps me procrastinate. It's certainly not cleaning my house, but it would be awesome if I did clean my house as a way to procrastinate. :D
1. Spiders.
2. Procrastination has to have an activity?
The worst panic was when the littlest guy disappeared in a bookstore. Hysterical panic instantaneously. Luckily he wasn't far--just hard to see.
Seriously, the procrastination list is long...
I panic over looking stupid in public, which these days means the blog world.
Procrastination? I am a pro at it. Took years of practice but now I can procrastinate with the tiniest motivation.
For me, panic sets in when I get home and realize I've forgotten to do something on day job and now it's too late.
I often log in at 3 AM which is usually the time when I remember what it is I've forgotten to do.
If you want to see my latest moment of panic you'll have to read my blogpost tomorrow.
Of course my favorite procrastination activity is reading!
I gave up panic for Lent a few years ago, and I haven't really missed it.
Procrastination, on the other hand, is a marvelous thing. Reading and commenting on blog posts is my favourite method. Oh... wait a minute...
I think I panic most about money than anything else. I have a lot of anxiety about that. Not sure why, things always seem to work out. And my favorite way of procrastination is social media. It used to be knitting. Can you believe I gave up knitting for social media? Not sure that was a good trade. My family loved getting their scarves, mittens and hats for Christmas.
I panic about not paying the bills and I procrastinate on the internet - I'm not very original am I? :-)
i'm prone to anxiety and panicking, so in order to alleviate that as best i can, i don't usually procrastinate. i know. it's weird.
I don't panic easily and am good in crisis. However, when I realize I've forgotten something my wife asked me to do...hyperventilation!!! My favorite and most effective procrastination activity is making a list of everything I have to do, then prioritizing it, then looking at it. Thanks to Outlook, I can spend an entire day creating the perfect efficient plan for doing things without doing a single one.
Damn. I need one of those keys!
Ugh. My babies are on a field trip. I have this irrational fear of my babies (er, 9-yr-olds) riding in a car driven by anyone other than myself. A school bus sends me into full-panic mode.
I panic rather easily because I am a worrier. If things aren't going perfect or I see one too many deadlines are in my future I get all flustered. Unneccesarily to boot too. Guess it's time to come clean about the fact I obessively refresh news websites. Can't be procrastination if I'm learning.
I panic constantly. My last panic was this weekend, when I thought the dumb taxi driver who showed up 25 minutes late was going to make us miss our train and it would take *even longer* to get home from CT than it was already taking!
My favorite procrastination activity. That would be visiting blogs. ;)
I tend not to panic.
I'm good at procrastination and will be happy to tell you my favourite procrastination activity - although obviously not right now.
I sweat the SMALL stuff--blog posts definitely included in that.
But if something BIG happens, you're going to want me on your team. I'm totally calm and cool in moments like that. Go figure.
hi miss linda! yikes! you didnt need to panic cause of not having a blog post but for sure it got you to do a cool one. mostly i dont never panic cept when i go for one of those yucky bone marrow tests. ack! then i get all sweaty and panicky. For not doing stuff when im sposed to and thats mostly my homework or my chores i play a computer game or watch tv.
...hugs from lenny
Panic...well, let's see. Is there a word count limit here? I panic when I can't find my phone, the school bus is late in the afternoon, I have to drive on a winding road in the dark, my car won't start, I don't know how to do something and people are watching, my husband takes long motorcycle rides, the second before I step on the scale, I have to make a decision quickly, other people read my work.... Ok, I'll stop. I procrastinate on the internet, without question.
My favorite procrastination activity? Um... TWITTER!! :D
And sometimes I panic when I think I haven't fed my hens, but then I remember I did, lol! ;)
I can go from zero to panic in 0.0001 seconds. Over a lot of crazy stuff. And other things roll off my back. What can I say?
Procrastination ... reading anything. TV. Playing with our dogs.
Procrastination? Blogging of course :-)
Not much panics me, in fact I can't remember the last time.
Procrastination makes me panic. Especially when I realized I was procrastinating at work and they want(fill in the blank)right now.
Damn you procrastination! *shakes fist*
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