You know, some women have to settle for getting flowers from their significant others, and then only on special occasions. But not me. Nope, my TG knows the best way to worm his way into my heart is via my funny bone, so he brought home this for me instead...
...just because he knew it would make me laugh. Plus, gourds are seasonal. Who doesn't need a good seasonal laugh? (I'm thinking of putting a knee-high stocking on it, and seeing if I can make visitors blush. Then again, my in-laws might come over unexpectedly, so maybe not.)
TG's gift inspired a visit from my muse's evil, limerick-spinning twin, who planted this in my brain:
There once was a gander, so fine,
Who saw a watermelon stuck to a vine.
It was lust at first sight--
So he goosed it all night--
And the result is apparently mine.
Okay, okay...enough about my peni--er, goose gourd. On to what you're really waiting for!
Thank you all so much for cracking me up with your entries to the Angry Camel Caption Contest! They really got me giggling. So much so that I had to ask TG to help me decide the, I mean, winner.
We both zeroed in immediately (and, knowing us, unsurprisingly) on...
*drum roll*
"I don't care WHO Catherine the Great is! I'm not in the mood!"
Dianne, if you'll email me your address [linda(dot)grimes(at)gmail(dot)com], I'll send you your prize, which is not only dumb, and edible, but also in keeping with the October Halloween season.
Why, YES! That is a glow-in-dark Jack-o-lantern Pez dispenser (complete with Pez candy) and a package of ghost Peeps!*
Dianne, you lucky so-and-so, do realize how jealous all those other entrants are now? I know! It's tough to envision the extent of their envy.
Oh, and since conventional blogging wisdom dictates one should always end a post with a question or two for the readers:
How do you like my gourd? Do you have a gourd, too?
Bonus third question: Is your gourd bigger than my gourd?
*Dying plant included in pic only for atmosphere, and not part of the Pez/Peeps Prize Package.
I totally love your "goose" gourd and I wish I had one just like it. I would keep it on my kitchen counter and admire it the whole live-long day. And I know the women in my neighborhood would be jealous because I had a goose gourd and they didn't. I would even take it when I brought The Monster to and from school to make those women (and a few men) jealous. I'm going out right now to see if I can find me a goose gourd. Otherwise, I'm just going to stare at the picture of yours and not get anything done.
Ha! Everyone needs a limerick like that on a Monday!
I am jealous! Of the prize and the *ahem* goose gourd. Congratulations, Dianne! :)
I love your limerick! LOL!
That gourd is a symbol... No not of THAT, but of how you married someone who totally gets you. How cool is that?
Congrats to the winner, that is a funny caption!
I'll have to dig out the picture of my dad's carrot. Oh, euwww, that's not a metaphor...although the carrot was kind of...
never mind.
i love that TG brought this home in lieu of flowers. absolutely perfect.
also fun? that limerick.
a good start to this monday.
An imaginative gourd beats flowers any day! Love your limerick, too. Good way to start the week.
What a funny post and I love your question to which the answer is since I am gourdless, you will be glad to know that yours is bigger!! Hahaha!
Your gourd is okay - would be better with the stocking. MY gourd is, of course, much larger. :D
Once again I know where my dirty mind learned its ways. I made bread sticks from scratch yesterday, one came out a little *specially* shaped. My roommates now think I'm special in the head from how much snickering I did over that *unique* bread stick. Maybe it can keep that gourd company.
Serious note, where do you buy gourds? The stores around here are only selling pumpkins.
That gourd is hilarious!!
I have no gourd. Gourd envy going here...
I love your gourd. I am jealous that I have no gourd.
Love the gourd and if I'd known there were ghost peeps at stake I would have tried harder.
Yay! And thanks for sending an email reminder. I totally didn't get to your blog yesterday and see that I was a winner, because I spent most of my blogging time yesterday fighting with my $%^$##I@@!#$ blog format!
And I still don't have it right, but at least I will have Pez and Peeps! :D
Congratulations Dianne!
Love the goose gourd :-)
My, what a big goose you have.
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