Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Hump Day, and I got nothin' for you but this big orange camel...

Thanks to all of you who told me your lovely home remedies for my sore throat and cough, which has now morphed to include nose, lungs and sinus cavities. More than a cold, less than the flu. I'm calling it "The Crud."

(Er, not that I'm blaming your home remedies. I'm sure, if I'd had the wherewithal to employ them properly instead of just staring at them on the computer screen like a zombie, they would have worked brilliantly.)

Alas, I wound up at the doctor instead, who prescribed me some very strong (and honkin' HUGE) antibiotic pills. I'm sure I'll be back to my healthy, wise-cracking self in no time.

Or maybe I'll just crawl into a cave somewhere until I expire. Bleah.

BUT, I wouldn't want to leave you without something fun to look at while I'm expiring in my cave, so here:

So, let's see...a question. Um, do you prefer plain tissues or the super-soft kind with lotion in them?


Anne Gallagher said...

I'm sorry, you must have gotten the "crud" that I had two weeks ago. Take the antibiotics.

As for me, plain tissue. Usually though, we have rolls of toilet paper on every flat surface of the house.

Delia said...

Oh no, not The Crud. That's the worst. I hope the horsey pills make you feel better. Perhaps if we squeeze the camel, we'll get enough vitamin C to help. Or not, because now that I think about it, that's kind of gross.

I prefer the super soft, but plain tissues. The lotion ones just get slimy.

Delia said...

Addendum: Before you ask, pumpkins have lots of vitamin C (and A). Maybe have some pie?

Unknown said...

i dont like the ones with lotion, but i do like the ones that have the vapo rub right in them for when im sick. otherwise, plain tissue please :)

hope you kick the crud out the door soon. that bitch has already overstayed her welcome

Carol Kilgore said...

Pumpkin Camels need love, too.
Do what the doctor says.

abby mumford said...

at least the doctor didn't say "it's just a virus. give it time." that's the worst! take the antibiotics and feel better soon.

and as for tissues? i prefer the soft kind, no lotion necessary. when you blow your nose as much as i do (allergies), any extra softness goes a loooong way.

Jessica Lemmon said...

Ugh, so sorry you're still feeling cruddy!!! Get well soon, and yeah, I do appreciate the camel. ;)

J.L. Campbell said...

Hope you feel better soon.
Stay on them medication and get some rest.
Really cool camel!

Sarah Tokeley said...

Aww, sorry you're still feeling rubbish. As for tissues, I'll take any that don't leave my nostril sore, read and peeling after a few blows :-)

Michele Shaw said...

Tissue with lotion! No contest. I'm still sniffly over here too. Blah!

Teri Anne Stanley said...

Oh yeah, lotion. I had some with Vicks embedded in them once...they were great during the cold, but I had to isolate them afterwards, the smell drove me nuts!
Hope you feel better soon!

Diane Henders said...

It's a mighty fine camel! Especially since you managed to get it up here despite The Crud.

Plain tissues. I agree with Delia, the lotion ones feel slimy.

Steph Schmidt said...

Handkerchiefs all the way. I found out the hard way if I switched from tissues the majority of my allergies went away. Also much more gentle on raw noses.

LD Masterson said...

Sorry the crud's got you. Feel better.

Cool camel.

Tissue question - I only buy the lotion ones when I have a cold and my nose is raw. And then I carry them around the house with me so I don't get them mixed up with the regular kind. Why? We wear glasses. You never want to clean your glasses with a lotioned tissue.

Unknown said...

Oh no!! I really hope you get better soon!
You could suck all the vitamin C in those camel oranges! :)


And I think that plain tissues?

Dianne K. Salerni said...

The lotion tissues are kind of greasy.

But I'm telling you -- better than tissues at all -- sinus irrigation!

From the low tech netti pot to the one that looks like a water pik -- they are the best for cleaning out the crud.

Deniz Bevan said...

Hope you feel better soon! That camel should be made of oranges... Better for your cold :-)
Plain tissues, definitely. Who knows what's in the other stuff?

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I started reading the comments and then Delia mentioned pumpkin pie. Now I have to have some.
Awesome pumpkin.
I like handkerchiefs. My dad had bought 52 at a yard sale and I inherited them when he died. They're soft. They slip into any washer load. And they remind me of my dad.

Kimberly Sabatini said...

I'm all about the lotion!!!!! Hope you start feeling better soon. And seriously...the camels??? You're the camel whisperer.

Missy Olive said...

Sorry you are sick! I have it too. I lost my voice too. :-(

get well soon!