Monday, October 31, 2011

Hope You Have a Howlingly Happy Halloween!

In honor of Halloween, I give you...

(drum roll, please)


Yes, as a matter of fact, he IS made of chocolate.

Oh, and if you get a chance go check out my agent's new blog. Welcome to the blogosphere, Michelle! Go, Wolf Pack!

Happy Halloween, y'all! May your day be full of fun and sweet things to eat.


Dianne K. Salerni said...

For an elementary school teacher, Halloween is the second to worst day of the year for all around craziness -- closely following the heels of the day before Christmas vacation.

And I'm facing the day in a corset.

Linda G. said...

Dianne -- A corset? With all that Halloween candy around to tempt you? Are you a glutton for punishment? *grin*

Jennifer Shirk said...

Wow, he's dreamy! LOL

Happy Halloween!

Anne Gallagher said...

I was going to make a lewd comment about the chocolate man, but I won't.

Happy Halloween!

Linda G. said...

Jennifer -- I think the expression on his face is a little scary, but I can forgive a lot in a man made entirely from chocolate.

Anne -- The lewdness is just implied, don't you thing?

Stina said...

The only problem with the perfect man is he melts. Which means you have to live way up north and you can't have much heat in your home. Hmmm. Sound like my husband!!!!

Linda G. said...

Stina -- LOL! Hey, it's not so bad if husbands melt a little. It means there's still fire in your marriage. ;)

Patsy said...

I love that cat's expression.

abby mumford said...

monday madness goes for every monday, not just today because it's halloween!

happy day!

Carol Kilgore said...

Perfect Man - LOL!
I think I like the cat better :)
Happy Halloween!

Teri Anne Stanley said...

The best thing about Chocolate Man? You could eat his remote hand first, so he'd NEVER be able to turn on Sportscenter or FoxNews and then walk out of the room...not that I have a resentment or anything.

Linda G. said...

Patsy -- Me, too. Isn't it great?

Abby -- True, that. It just seems madder than usual when it's Halloween.

Carol -- The cat's not nearly as scary as Chocolate Man, huh?

Teri Anne -- LOL! Very good point.

Maery Rose said...

Wow! He is perfect!

Unknown said...

that cat was me first thing this morning. im just saying

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

A chocolate man who can't speak!? Perfection. Happy Halloween, my friend.

Sarah Tokeley said...

The only way chocolate man could be more perfect is if he was taller and wider.

And no, you can't have too much of a good thing ;-)

LD Masterson said...

I keep thinking about chocolate bunnies at Easter and trying to decide...

Trisha Leigh said...

I swore I'd never get married again, but damn if you didn't find the perfect guy for me.

Then again, we probably wouldn't last long. You know. because he'd be in my belly.

Keriann Greaney Martin said...

Haha, so cute! That cat made me laugh.

Doesn't that chocolate man make you ... melt?! *snicker*

Michele Shaw said...

Mmmm. Chocolate man! nomnomnom Where to start?

Crystal Posey said...

We had a great one, hope yours was too!