Are you ready for it?
Your Friday "fact":
Once, while attending a reception at one of those giant wedding mills, I crashed the party in the hall next door, because they had better food and an open bar.
Find out the contest details, and judge the veracity of the first "fact," here. And see the second installment here. You have to pass judgment on all three statements to be eligible to win the contest.
True, we don't know what the prize will be. The only thing you can be sure of is that it will be dumb and/or valueless. Surely that's incentive, right?
You're almost there! Keep your eye on the prize! (Er, whatever it may be. Won't know until Monday, when the winner--and the prize--will be announced. Stay tuned.)
I keep being the first! No one else to judge my answer from, darn it!
Okay...I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. You seem like a lovely, classy lady and even though Virginia (where I don't know if you're actually from) isn't really the South, it's close enough that people there might still have good manners...uhhh...
Big fat lie!
Two words:
I'm quickly learning that I'm not decisive. I'll say Yes!!!! You social butterfly!!!!
True. Just because.
The voices in my head said so. And because it's the obvious thing to do.
One question, though, shouldn't the person getting everything wrong be the one with the proper recognition :P?
Popping in to say thanks for continuing to play! And that NotJana has a good point. The person(s) getting them all wrong will get a special mention.
Shouldn't that read crashed 'after being' at the party next door! True but surprised you can remember!
I am going with TRUTH because doesn't everybody crash parties for better food? No, that was the bar.
This must be truth. If it's not, I wish it to be!
This one's a no brainer. Even I'VE crashed other people's weddings. So yes, you did. And I'll bet you told the bride she looked lovely too.
This one being the most normal of the three statements, I'm going to go ahead and say THIS ONE IS THE LIE. :D
I'd say false. I think you'd at least pretend to have more class than that.
then again, i've probably gotten all of these wrong. *shrugs* it's been fun though:)
Why have we never met? Wedding crasher? Check. You so did this. My friends, hubs and I crashed a HS reunion one time---good stuff. ONe girl came up to my hubs and said she totally remembered him from math class. I can't make this stuff up! He was a little pissed though bc it was like their 20th reunion and he was only like 31. HA! Serves him right for crashing!!!
this is a tough one, but just because they made a movie of it and i can totally see you in the opening montage of SHOUT, i'm going to go with:
it's true. you're a wedding crasher.
I'm saying truth, because you know, the alcohol.
Oh this has to be true. Who wouldn't?
Open bar or not I figure you're too classy to crash another wedding.
I'm going to say TRUE--because it sounds like something I would do. LOL
Yup, I believe you absolutely positively did this. No judgement here. (I did it, too.)
I say true. Open Bar? True.
Too easy! Totally true. Come on, who wouldn't go for that;)
This one sounds true, so I'm going with false. I'm completely illogical, I know!
I'm gonna go with lie. Just because the last time I said it was true. ;)
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