Come on. You know you love it. You were probably just thinking, Gee, I sure hope Linda has camels on her blog on this fine Hump Day -- it wouldn't be Wednesday without camels from Linda!
Well, it's your lucky day, for I am NOT one to disappoint!
Today's camel:
Isn't he jolly? Doesn't he just look, not debonair, precisely...
Damn. What is the word I'm looking for?
Oh, yeah. Dumb.
*sighs* Okay, that was kind of mean. If I've offended any camel lovers out there, I apologize. It's not the camel's fault somebody dressed him (her?) up. Honestly, no one should do that to such a dignified creature. It's almost as bad as this one:
But not quite.
Maybe. It's a tossup, really. I know! Let's take a vote. Which camel looks dumber? Camel #1 (in the hat and tassels) or Camel #2 (in the clown makeup)?
[I KNOW. This post is a dumber than the camels. But it's summer now, and I think that excuses a lot. Just go vote, and try not to over-think it. ]
Oh, no, no, no. I gotta go with #2. Poor thing---that lipstick is not her shade at all! She needs a color consultation. I would have gone with something in a mocha, or even plum-ish. Her makeup artist needs to be fired. Really. That's just wrong. And the blue eyeshadow needs to go's not subtle at all. She's a camel people, not a clown! Good help is hard to find. What can I say?
Poor #2. She must feel really dumb. I think the hat is cool. Joe Camel, you know. (And how old am I to remember that?)
I gotta go with #2, the poor thing. I feel really bad for her :(
I like camel #1 he looks distinguished...for a camel. Not feeling the clown camel. #2 is obviously not the brightest camel and needs a stylist. :o)
Muffintopmommy -- My first thought when I saw the pic was, is this what Tammy Faye Bakker's former makeup artist has been reduced to?
Anne -- I know! It's downright humiliating for Camel #2. As for #1...well, the hat isn't bad, but you gotta admit those tassels are a bit much.
Karla -- Who wouldn't? She's begging for sympathy.
I think the first camel looks nice and jaunty. The second one looks like a makeup assault victim.
Kimmie -- So far we all agree. Hats and tassels are not as bad as a poor makeup job.
Summer -- LOL! Agreed. Though I'm rather surprised at how many people actually seem to LIKE the first camel. ;)
I think Camel #1 actually looks kinda cool - sort of Indiana Jones. Camel #2? She's the most embarrassed. Now we know what happened to Tammy Fae Baker's make up artist -
hahaha! I never saw your Tammy Fae comment before I wrote mine. Now we know it must be true.
I think both camels look happy - and #2, in particular, is clearly pleased. She feels pretty. Don't rain on her Tammy Faye parade!
Number one looks like he's on holiday. Number two, oh poor girl, at least I hope it's a girl!
Um DEFINITELY #2. I never thought I'd feel bad for a camel.
Did you get Tawna Fenske to photoshop poor camel #2? Oy, that's terrible. ;)
Poor #2. First, the indignity of that Tammy Faye makeover and then, being called Number 2?!!!
Yeah I think number two has to take the cake. That makeup would look awful on a supermodel. Much less a camel . . .
Poor Camel #2. Definitely the loser here. And the scary part is, Camel #3 is in the background, with matching makeup.
Please tell me there isn't a fleet of them out there. I'm having nightmares already...
Look, I know I'm not the prettiest thing when I wake up in the morning, but do you have to take pictures!? I mean, honestly, not all of us can look as beautiful in red lipstick like you, Linda.
Aww... I think they look lovely! Not dumb--okay, maybe I'm crazy :P
I think #1 looked like Indiana Jones while #2 looked like she's trying to get #1 to propose. :)
#2, every camel beauty pageant has to have the one camel that didn't understand talent portion.
OMG!! #2 Looks like a really old drag queen! Poor thing! I have to go with Camel Sutra (no doubt her show name )
Kerry -- Great minds, and all that! :)
Jeffe -- LOL! Trust you to root for the underdo--er, camel. ;)
Sarah -- Oh, my gosh! You're right. What if it's a boy? That would make it even more humiliating!
Trisha -- I know what you mean. Camel sympathy. Who knew?
Kristina -- LOL! Nope, can't blame Tawna for this one. Even though she HAS agreed to take the blame for everything I do, so...
Patty -- Ha! Poor, poor #2. Tee-hee.
Bess -- Maybe she's the supermodel of cameldom. Could be she looks GREAT to another camel.
Diane -- Gaaah! Surely there can't be more?
Jen -- LOL! Oh, come on. You look way better than that camel in the morning, I'm sure. Well, almost sure. I've never really seen you first thing in the morning, so I can't be totally sure. But I'm going out on limb, and assuming. ;)
Monica -- You are just a romantic at heart, aren't you? *giggles*
Steph -- Ha-ha! I wonder if there ARE camel beauty pageants somewhere? Wouldn't surprise me.
Sharon -- Camel Sutra? ROF,L! Perfect!!
What a crime...that poor camel must be humiliated. She'll need to visit a camel shrink.
Camel #2 definitely looks dumber, and considering the reputation camels have for spitting and biting, I have to wonder who was brave enough to put on that make-up!
Lola -- No doubt. Post Makeup Stress Syndrome. ;)
Dianne -- True, that. Maybe somebody photoshopped it? Seems like that would be the safer move.
Poor, poor poor number two. And I know just how she feels ... the way I did after my friends pitched in and got me a "make-over" for my 40th birthday.
I...actually thought #1 looked rather dapper. He wears a hat well.
Also I went back through the archives in the hope that you'd actually posted camels every Wednesday and I'd just missed it somehow.
HUMPH! said the camel, chewing milkweed in a most 'scrutiatingly idle manner.
Susan -- LOL! The idea of a makeover terrifies me. I could probably use one, but I live in fear of hearing the word "oops" while undergoing the transformation.
Geoffrey -- Sorry about that! Not EVERY Wednesday, no, but a lot of them! :)
I think they're both having a rough day in the fashion department, yet I dare say they don't seem to care. A plus to being a camel. No 1 actually looks quite festive. Can I use the word jaunty;)
Bet you didn't know camels are a huge problem in parts of Oz!
They were brought in in pioneering days as draught animals in the Red Centre. When the weren't needed any more because of the arrival of trucks they were released, now we have over 1,000,000 destroying sensitive desert habitats.
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