Wednesday, October 13, 2010

And the winner is...

Last week I held a little contest to celebrate surpassing the 100-follower milestone on this blog. Frankly, I find it hard to believe so many people peek into my reality on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful you do. I'd hate to feel like I'm talking to myself. But I can't help wondering--don't you guys have toenails to clip or bathrooms to clean? 

Wait...I rate above toenail clipping and bathroom cleaning? Awwww. Now I'm really feeling special. :)

Anyway, without further ado...

*trumpet fanfare*

(Okay, maybe that was a little further ado. Can you really ever have too much ado?)

*ahem* The winner, and Queen Camel of this Happy Hump Day...



Crystal's Halloween story almost made me wet my pants. (Yes, my sense of humor is just that warped.) It appealed to the Melodramatic actress in me. Crystal, if you'll email me your address at linda(dot)grimes(at)gmail(dot)com, I'll send you your handy-dandy electronic dictionary/bookmark.  

To all the other wonderful entrants: it was so close! I wish I had an cheesy electronic gadget to give each and every one of you. But you all amused me greatly, and really, isn't just knowing that prize enough? 


Kelly Breakey said...

Congrats to Krystal.

I too enjoyed all of the stories. Thanks for keeping us entertained. Now if you will excuse me I have a bathroom to clean.

Jessica Lemmon said...

Oh man! This part time job makes me miss all the good stuff! Congrats, Crystal.

*runs away to read the blogs I've missed*

Unknown said...

I was robbed! ROBBED I tell really. I loved Crystal's story too :) Congrats, Crystal!!

nice camel pic btw ;)

abby mumford said...

those were some stellar entries and i think the best person won.

actually, with that camel pic? we all won.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you very much.

This was so much fun. Thank you Linda.

And I second what Abby said, with that pic, everyone won!

I laughed so much at all the entries, this was such a fun contest.

demery said...

Congratulations Crystal!

Unknown said...

Congrats, Chrystal!


A. S. Boudreau said...

I think you should have a contest to see how many ways we can spell Crystal's name ;) hehehehe just kidding. lmao

But i did notice at least three different ways here... and the most creative gets...

Lola Sharp said...

OMG I LOVE that camel picture!
(I'm afraid to know what words you googled to find that picture)
( is that crown made from tinfoil? Man, whoever made that getup should be my new best friend.)

Have a fantastic weekend, Linda. :)

And Congrats to Crystal!


Linda G. said...

Thanks again to all of you who entered and entertained me! You're all winners in my book. :)

Jessica, there's always next time. :)

Lola, actually my search term was something like "funny camel" -- not too frightening. ;)

Hope you all have a great weekend. :)

Posey said...

It's official. I like seeing my name just as much as I like hearing myself talk. And I'm not even the WINNER! Again I say, oy.