Well, that led to us have a lot of cut up pieces of broken trees, mostly pine. Which we dutifully stacked in the woodpile. The thing about pinewood is, it's not good to burn in a fireplace. The high sap content makes it kind of dangerous, plus it coats the inside of your chimney & leads to costly maintenance.
Since the theater god and I are all about recycling (not to mention, cheap) we didn't want to pay to have someone else throw away all that nice, burnable wood. So TG ordered one of these:

And I just went to pick it up. But, alas, it came with those most frightening of words: "Some assembly required."
Okay, I don't do assembly.
The only kind of screwdriver I can safely hold involves orange juice and vodka. So unless I can give the firepit verbal directions, and make it assemble itself, that thing is staying in the box until TG is home to put it together. Sadly, that won't be this evening. Stupid show night.
Now I will have to wait to toast my marshmallows outside.
*heavy sigh*
And s'mores would've made such a fine dinner, too...
Mmm smore's...
Candyland -- I know! And waiting sucks. :(
How about indoor marshamallows? Over the burner? *g*
Deb -- But roasting them indoors lacks the edge-of-your-seat suspense that comes from wondering if the marshmallows are going to fall off your stick into the fire. It's just not the same.
No, I'll wait. Cold cereal will do. *martyred sigh*
Reminds me of growing up with a wood-fired boiler. Couldn't use pine in it because it would smoke up the pipes, but we did start the fire with pine cones. Funny, isn't it, that heart pine makes such a sturdy house -- until a match hits it.
Assembly required strikes fear in my heart, too ... hope you get your marshmallow roaster assembled soon!
Too bad I don't live nearby, I love sticking things together :)
Cynthia -- TG is assembling it as I type this. Of course, he has another show tonight, so it still may be a few days before I get my outdoor s'more. Because I can't, you know, have the inaugural fire without my TG.
Xuxana -- I'll be you were good with puzzles, too, huh? I can do word puzzles, no problem. My spatial relations skills, however, are...limited. *grin*
Ooooh, that looks delightful! We have an outdoor fire pit, and though I love it passionately, we're always a little worried about lighting the neighbors' trees on fire at the height of fire season around here.
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