Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stretch that attention span!

Dear Blog,

Just a quickie post, because I am taking a Reading Day.

I have a library book* due tomorrow, and I can't renew it. That's a good excuse, right? Well, I like it.

Besides, sometimes you just gotta read, you know? I mean something more than 140 characters at a pop. ;) Otherwise your attention span might shrink down to gnat-like proportions, and that would be sad.

Off to make a cuppa, and dive into fantastic realms.


*I would tell you which one, but I feel kind of bad that I didn't buy it. I saw it on the New Release shelf last time I was at the library, and snatched without thinking. I probably WILL buy it, because I always buy this author's books, but I figure I'll postpone that decision, in case I don't like the ending and decide to wait for the paperback.


Deborah Small said...

A reading day. Love it. I think I'll make that my goal today, too. :)


LR said...

Amen to that. Nothing like a computer-less day of reading!

Linda G. said...

Aaaaah. Finished my book, so I'll be able to turn it in tomorrow, and the Library Police won't have to come after me.

It was blissful. I highly recommend reading days. :)


Now I'm dying to know which book it is!

I haven't been reading as voraciously since I started blogging/tweeting, so I'm going to need to remedy that situation soon. Thanks for the reminder!


Linda G. said...

Tawna -- oh, all right. It was Jim Butcher's CHANGES. I adore his Dresden Files series. The protag, Harry Dresden, is such a smartass. For some reason that *cough* appeals to me.

And, yes, I will be buying my own copy, because I know I'm going to want to read it again to pick up on the wonderful details I may have blown by too fast yesterday.

Cynthia Reese said...

Since The Husband has put me on a book diet (aka THERE IS NO ROOM IN THIS HOUSE FOR ONE MORE BOOK), I take almost all my reading for a spin at the library. If I really, really, really like it, I'll buy it, even though I've already read it.

Do I feel bad about it? No, because regardless of whether I buy it or check it out, I talk up the books to friends so that they'll go buy it!

Linda G. said...

Cynthia -- see, that's kinda why I didn't by this book to begin with. I really am trying not to add to my bookshelf overflow. But it's so HARD to give a good book back to the library... *sigh*