Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ugly? Or "Differently Distinguished"?

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

You decide.

Yes, this is a sneaky way of finding out whether you're call-a-spade-a-spade person or a where's-the-harm-in-a-euphemism person.

Me? Depends on my mood. Also, whether or not I've ingested the proper amount of caffeine. Let's just say, right now that camel is one ugly mo-fo. A little later on I'll probably think it's distinguished. (Hell, catch me at cocktail hour and I might even swear it's adorable.)

How about you? 

Bonus question for writers: How about your characters? 


Raley Blue said...

Yeah, pretty much what you said.

Teri Anne Stanley said...

Ummm...I'm going to go with...Groomedly challenged?

Yeah, I'm all about the euphemisms. Me, I'm motivationally disabled.

Bagman and Butler said...

Weathered, etched by experience until it's vulnerability shows, perhaps too much, but independence doesn't care. And the shaggy wisdom of old age, proudly worn.

And, at the same time, one ugly mo-fo.

Kimberly Sabatini said...

I'm attached to him already.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

He's um, in transition?

The characters we create are our babies. The only difference is it usually takes more than nine months to squirt 'em out into the world. Once we've created them, we're inclined to love them... even the fallible, unlikable, and maybe even despicable ones. (Maybe they're just in transition.)

Diane Henders said...

Yeah, ugly. But I just so happen to like the ZZTop look.

And you know how much I love my ugly Hellhound character... :-)

Carol Kilgore said...

I think she's been to Lady Gaga's stylist.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Right now I'm feeling quite differently distinguished. Maybe once I get a shower....

abby mumford said...

if i'm not mistaken, there are actually two camels there and not just one. the front one's not much to look at, so i can't imagine the back one is either.

and that's all i have to say about that.

LD Masterson said...

Hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And...I'm not beholding much.

Al said...

Me: definitely adorable.

As to my characters:

Some would see him as adorable; others ugly; and still others would be reaching for a firearm

Dianne K. Salerni said...

It is past 10:30 pm -- and past cocktail hour -- and that camel is either ugly .. or my eyesight is seriously blurred.

Applied to writing?

There are times I need to accept that I'm too tired, drained, or just plain STUCK to write. Anything I put on the page is UGLY, and it would be better for everyone if I watched some handsome boys on TV (Supernatural) or read a good book.

Delia said...

Now THAT'S a naked camel. Awesome.

Oh, uh...I mean mangy. He's a mangy thing. But he also sort of reminds me of the Mystics in The Dark Crystal? Which is kinda sweet. Mangy sweet, but sweet nonetheless.

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

Well he is ugly but he can't help it. He's shedding, right? Do camels shed?

Kari Lynn Dell said...

I'm having a really good time right now with a minor character who is autistic and says exactly what he thinks. Always. With rather hilarious results. I envy him.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Right now, I'm thinking ugly mo-fo.

But usually I can see some beauty in things like that--except now. LOL

Beth said...

I think he just goes for the bare midriff look. And gotta love that beard.