Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The First Hump Day of 2013, aka Naked Camels

When I made my Happy Nude New Year's post yesterday, Delia expressed her disappointment that it contained neither nudes nor camels. Or even, yannoh, nude camels. So this one's for Delia.

Here is an example of not-nude camels:

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Note the cute little camel "skirt" and the stylish "necklace." Très chic, yes? Camels are noble creatures, and carry their clothing with dignity.

And here is an example of nude camels:

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. 

Note the lack of camel attire. Naked, pure and simple. Note also the jauntiness of their steps, the general insouciance of their attitude. Yes, camels are by nature uninhibited as well as noble, and will happily parade around au naturel without regard to their audience.

There you go, Delia! Happy now? *grin*

How about the rest of you? Are you happier with or without clothing?

(Oh, wait...was that an inappropriate question? A little too personal? Um, sorry. Feel free to chastise me in the comments.)

Alternate question for the folks too inhibited modest to answer the previous question: Do you prefer your camels naked or clothed?


Anne Gallagher said...

For me, I would much rather be naked. After living on the beach most of my life, it's a hard habit to break.

And I just have to say, I love that word insouciance. I'm going to have to use it somewhere.

Happy Hump Day!

Kimberly Sabatini said...

Exactly the the right way to handle the new 2013 hump day!!!! I'll get back to you about the camels LOL!

Pearl said...

I live in Minneapolis. I am no where near naked a good six months out of the year!


Patsy said...

I definitely prefer naked camels.

I don't mind being naked myself, but I do need warm weather for that - and to not be in a foodstore at the time.

Delia said...

Bahahahaahaaaaa!!!! Priceless. Yes, I am happy now. :D

And to think, next year we'll have Happy New Hump Day.

Diane Henders said...

Nudity! I'm shocked!

...well, actually... NOT! :-)

Except for about two days out of the year around here, outdoor nudity carries a risk of frostbite, bug bites in unpleasant places, and/or sunburn in under ten minutes. Think I'll leave the nudity to the camels.

But hey, thanks for asking.

Unknown said...

My life is now complete, having seen nude camels ;)

Teri Anne Stanley said...

I think we should insist that female camels wear birkas. Me, I prefer to be in pajamas at all times. Much to the chagrin of Mr. Stanley.

mshatch said...

no nakedness here, too cold plus, really, you DON'T want to see that, trust me. However, I will say that I prefer to run about with less clothes rather than more. I just wish I lived somewhere warmer!

abby mumford said...

i was babysitting once and as bath time approached, the girl sang her bath time song: "it's time to get nakedy." ever since then, i can't see the word naked and not expand it to nakedy.

and that's my opinion on nakedness.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Nope. Not good on the nakedness thing. Not even when I'm alone. I might accidentally catch sight of a mirror!

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

The question about how one prefers ones camels could definitely lead down the road to needing brain bleach. Yuck.
Myself, if I'm home alone I prefer naked or maybe naked wrapped in a sheet or blanket.

Lola Sharp said...

I always enjoy what you come up with for camels. There's been some truly interesting stuff through the year(s). (remember those gross candy camel balls things?!)

Happy Anniversary, Linda (and husband)! <3

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Nekkid, of course. (In the South, there's a difference between "naked" and "nekkid", ya know.)

Unknown said...

Naked or clothed, personally, I don't trust anyone that can go a week without a drink.

Carol Kilgore said...

For me the naked/clothed thing is easy. Depends on where I am :)

LD Masterson said...

Can't do naked with this body. The grandkids would be scarred for life. :-)

Raley Blue said...

Clothing optional should always be an option. ;)

Jennifer Shirk said...

Camels naked. Me with clothes--until I get my summer body back. :)

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

The sentence "Note the lack of camel attire" made me snort with pleasure and made my day. HahahaHAAA! Still snorting, still laughing. Thanks, Linda.

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

The sentence "Note the lack of camel attire." Made me snort with pleasure. I am still snorting, also laughing.
Thanks, Linda!