Monday, May 2, 2011

The Winner! Plus a few mentions, honorable and dishonorable.

The big day is here! The winner of the Name that Blog Baby Contest has been announced over on Sierra Godfrey's blog!!

Honestly, I LOVED all of the suggesions. It was really tough to decide. But after a brief consultation with the mama (what? it's her kid and her blog -- I figured she deserved a small say in the matter), it has been decided.

Congratulations, @nwfoodie (aka Sharon Axline)! Your suggestion of "Rainbow Puppy" is the obvious choice. Because, I mean, rainbows? And puppies? PERFECT!

(I assure you all, the fact that I decorated Sierra's blog with rainbow puppies did not *cough* unduly influence my decision.)

As promised, Sharon's (goofy and basically worthless) SUR-PRIZE: a slightly used copy of Bob Marley and the Wailers LIVE! at the Rainbow DVD.

(Get it? Rainbow? Wailers, like babies are? There's a tie-in there. Work with me, people.) Also, a bar of fancy chocolate, not used at all.

Honorable Mentions:

Most Appropriate -- "Fin" (as in "finished," because Sierra assures us little Rainbow Puppy will be the last of her progeny), suggested by Roni Loren.

Most INappropriate -- "The Penis," suggested by Tawna Fenske. Is anyone surprised?

Roni and Tawna will also receive a bar of fancy, unused chocolate.

Ladies, if you will email me you addresses, I will put your prizes in the mail right,, sometime this week.

Thanks again to everyone who participated! It was fun. :)


Kimberly Sabatini said...

I'm thinking you missed an opportunity here...Rainbow Fin Puppy aka the Penis would set this child up for his very own reality show! *grin* Congrats to the winners and freakin' Tawna for stealing my chocolate!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Rainbow Puppy! How cute!!

abby mumford said...

the best name truly did win. congrats to all!

Unknown said...

ahaha, I expect nothing less of Tawna. and really, i don't see how that couldn't have won. Hello? it's very eye-catching :)

Roni Loren said...

Yay, chocolate! :) Thanks!

And I would just like to point out that me, the erotic romance writer, got most appropriate. ;) People worry about us, but really it's those romantic comedy writers that you have to look out for *gives Tawna the side eye*


I agree with Kimberly that Rainbow Fin Puppy Penis (or something along those lines) would have been highly appropriate.

And I'm turning up my nose at Karla and Roni for implying I'm inappropriate. Hmph! I would never...!


Bess Weatherby said...

Congrats to the winners! SO funny!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I didn't enter this contest -- I just drew a blank last week when I read about it. I wasn't coming up with anything better than He Who Pukes on Me. Rainbow Puppy is much better.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Cute choice. Guess that's why you're the blogging queen.

Sierra Godfrey said...

Thanks again Linda for guest posting at my blog and also hosting this contest!

Incidentally, I just sat down to my laptop and Rainbow Puppy, who was pretending to be asleep, just started crying. And I am soooo tired. But I really appreciate all the great entries!