Friday, May 20, 2011

Pssst...don't tell my husband, but...

The other day TG had to go to NY on business.

And I have a horrible confession to make: while he was gone, I played around.

Yes, I did. I met a handsome, exciting guy and spent the evening with him. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself! There was a lot of hugging and kissing. Oh, the tingles! We went out to dinner together, and had a fabulous time -- thunder and lightning, baby. Thun-der and light-ning. Know what I'm sayin'? Whew! Barely got him out of here before TG was back. 

You're shocked, aren't you? Didn't think I had it in me, did you? But I swear...

Everything I just told you is absolutely true. 

*cough* But only in the following context:

I played around...on my computer. Solitaire, mostly, but also a little Mahjong.

I did meet a handsome, exciting guy. At the airport. Of course, he happens to be my son-in-law, the Navy pilot. He had a six-hour layover here, and I live close to the airport, so I picked him up. Hugged him, and kissed his cheek, as I always do. We went out to dinner -- with his parents. Lots more hugging and kissing when we met up with them.

The tingles? Took him back to the airport in the middle of a thunderstorm. Pretty terrifying.

Unfortunately, TG didn't make it back home before our son-in-law had to leave.

Uh-HUH. Sounds a bit more innocent now, doesn't? Aren't you ashamed of what you were thinking about me? As if...!


Be wary of the truth, my dear,
For, like a sieve, it's leaky.
Even if you know the facts,
Remember -- facts are sneaky.

(As are writers.) 

Philosophical question for you: Is there a difference between "truth" and "honesty"? 

I (obviously) think so. I can deceive you nine ways to Sunday without ever telling you a lie.

[Aside to TG: But not you, honey! *blink*]

And, as a writer, I try to communicate some basic truths about the human condition by making up a bunch of ridiculous crap. 

How about you? Do you ever fudge on the facts? Come on honest! ;)


Tiffany Schmidt said...

Who ME? *blinks innocently*

I'll never tell.

out of the wordwork said...

You tease you! Sounds like you have a lovely relationship with your SIL. As for truth, I'm a stickler - sometimes to the point of bluntness. I should learn to fudge a little more...
P.S. Hey! I don't think I've ever been first to comment on your blog. That's what I get for getting up early! :)

out of the wordwork said...

Ah, not first! I have to get up earlier. Yugh.

Anne Gallagher said...

Okay is truth by omission a lie or honesty. I didn't really want to tell you you look fat in those jeans so I asked if I could have a glass of lemonade.

(And no, you really don't look fat in those jeans, it was just an example.)

Unknown said...

yes, there is definitely a difference between truth and honesty...truth can (at times) be a little bit skewed, and not really tell the whole story, but honesty...well, it is the whole story :)

fact: im not one for fudging the truth...mostly because I'm such a horrible liar, i'd get caught at it in a heartbeat. now if i was a little more accomplished at dishonesty...well, who knows? ;)

Teri Anne Stanley said...

No, it's not those jeans that make your butt look big...

Ah, the sins of omission...gotta love 'em!

Jessica Bell said...

LOL. That's very clever. I've never actually thought about there being a difference. But clearly there is! lol

Adriana said...

... And fun and tingles were had by all :))

As for honesty vs. truth -- I agree that truth is a very sneaky thing. I don't believe in absolute truth. My truth may be different from your truth :) And then there are partial truths... It's all relative. I do believe in honesty though!

Trisha Leigh said...

Sometimes even *I* can't remember the actual truth of a story I've told hundreds of time. Luckily in the really good ones, no one else can really remember either. Thank you, alcohol.

Happy Friday!

Patty Blount said...

*slow clap* Wow. You're GOOD. Really good.

Al said...

I fudge all the time in my writing.

Bunt never in real life ;-) Honest!

Unknown said...

LOL! And you know what? My 9yo is like that, and now I've learned to know when he's being 100% honest!
And me? Well, you don't really need to know, do you? ;)

Steph Schmidt said...

No need to fudge the facts, the truth is plenty strange enough some days.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

I'm disgustingly honest, but that doesn't mean I have any control over how someone else may connect the dots I provide, now, does it?

Linda G. said...

Thank you all for weighing in!