Yup, that's right. My book is officially cheap & easy. Much like the ideal summer girlfriend!
I hadn't actually seen one myself until Tor kindly sent me some of them. The thing that really made me giggle was the box they came in:
Ha! Well, I like to think it's pretty hot stuff, but I had no idea the post office felt the same way.
Anyway, here's a pic of Mini-Fix:
The title is embossed! And gold! For some reason, that tickles me no end. (Why, yes, I am rather easily tickled. Especially my feet and ... never mind. That's a whole 'nother post.)
Wait, what's that you say? Where's the camel pic?
Here ya go:
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By Irene2005 [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons. Dialogue added by moi. |
P.S. As for the news I was hinting at last week...soon. ;)
Today's question:
What do you like to read when the weather steams up?
P.P.S. I've decided to keep the font bigger in deference to those of you who don't like to squint.
Ooh, the gold is pretty! And what I read doesn't depend on the time of year but rather my mood. Right now I;m reading Beyond Black by Hilary Mantel.
MS -- Thanks! My mood is more important than the season, too. Though I have to admit that summer usually puts me in the mood of lighter reading.
oooo, I LOVE it! Congrats, Linda. This is a new favorite of mine, so keep 'em coming :)
Patty -- Thanks! I'm planning to. :)
I play catch up with the TBR pile in the summer because my au pair is out of school and can give me that kind of time. Currently swithching back and forth between Inferno (Dan Brown, yes, I've impressed a lot of people before they hear that part, but I loves me some Langdon.) The Siren, and Pivot Point. Two of my besties are about to self pub too, and asked me to do the final beta. So, I'm a little busy, I guess.
Very excited to hear your news. Of course the P.O. thinks it's hot, 'cuz it is. THE hottest. Can't wait for the news. Love the camels and the big A print. Congrats all around!! <3
Aurelia -- Sounds like you have a busy summer on tap. Fun! And thanks. :) (Pssst...I like Dan Brown books, too. Fast, fun page-turners.)
Oh I love hot steamy romance and dark dirty mysteries and out of this world fantasies Wow I'm a Renaissance Woman :)
Linda great cover for the PB and if anyone out there needs convincing to read In A Fix-check out my LibraryJournal Review-right here on Tor's blog-http://torforge.wordpress.com/2012/08/29/starred-review-in-a-fix-by-linda-grimes/
Happy Summer
Debbie -- Aaah. *happy sigh* That review still warms my heart. :)
BEA-U-TI-FUL! Even the camel is cuter than usual in honor of Mini-Fix :)
Carol -- Yeah, I think that camel is pretty darn cute, too. It has personality.
My old eyes thank you for the font.
You know how much I enjoyed In A Fix.
My summer reading is pretty much the same as the winter. I just grab something out of my impressively large TBR pile and dive in.
LD -- Frankly, it's easier on my eyes, too. That's what I like best about my Kindle, too--I can make font larger when my eyes are tired. Oh, and just the thought of my TBR pile is enough to send me into guilt fits. So many books, so little reading time!
I'm an eclectic reader who will read just about anything, no matter what time of year it is. (When forbidden to bring a book to the breakfast table as a kid, I read the darned cereal box.)
Your mini-book is adorable. Oh, and HOT, of course.
Susan -- Been there with the cereal box reading. When I was a kid, I was lost without the printed word in front of my face, and almost anything would do in a pinch.
HAWT! Love the Mini-Fix!
Weather doesn't seem to matter to me - when I'm reading, everything else goes away. I'm sure looking forward to a certain author's August book release, though... Quick Fix will be perfect summer reading!
IN A FIX in gold?!? and travel size?!?! me likey.
what do i like to read when it's hot? the same stuff i like to read when it's cold or cool or warm or any other kind of temperature which means pretty much anything other than scary/horror.
It looks gorgeous--and I love hearing your cheap, easy and hot! *grin*
I just finished the third in Kristen Ashley's fantasy-land series; titled Fantastical and it was fantastic.
Talking camel pics...hm...
"The ideal summer girlfriend" -- snort, snicker. The ideal summer boyfriend too, probably.
Congratulations on making it to Mass Market! :D
Looks great! Congratulations! :)
Weather doesn't affect my evre-growing TBR mountain... Unless I'm lucky enough to be on a beach, in which case it doesn't matter what book it is, reading in the sun makes me sleepy!
All this to say, I think reading about Ciel would be perfect summer reading! Going to pass the word around...
Diane -- Aw, thanks. Hope you enjoy it. I figure a Quick release is bound to be at least a little fun. ;)
Abby -- No Stephen King in your TBR pile, eh? ;)
K-pop -- LOL! Hey, there are worse things to be. *grin*
JJJ -- Fantastical is fantastic? Sound appropriate. :)
Dianne -- Boyfriend, too, absolutely. Sauce for the goose, and all that... ;)
Lara -- Thanks! :)
Deniz -- Thanks for helping spread the word. Much appreciated! :)
I'd be tickled at the embossing too!
YAY! And the gold is a nice touch. :)
I love the bigger font. My old tired eyes appreciates it. LOL
My reading tastes do not change seasonally. I'll read anything any time I can sneak it in. :D
YAYYY for mass paper market! <333 :D
And I like to read something with romance! :D
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