Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Happy Hump(less) Day Post

I fell down on the job today. *bites knuckle* Mea culpa. I got busy. 

But, anyway, Jen Stayrook, aka @JentheAmazing on Twitter, noticed the lack of camelly goodness here, and kindly provided me with this flower camel:

By Prabhat nhpc (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sure, it's humpless. But, hey, flowers. It's not always about humping, you know. Sometimes you have to mix it up a little. 

Thanks, Jen! You're AMAZING. :)


Jen Stayrook said...

Actually, I think on second look, it's a flower giraffe. Wikimedia Commons LIES. Oh, well. IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME THIS BLOG HAS SWAPPED THE TWO. <3

Linda G. said...

Jen -- Well, yes, that would explain the lack of hump. But, hey, you said flower camel. Who am I to argue with Jen the AMAZING?

Kimberly Sabatini said...

Alice the camel has no humps....

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Humpless camel - giraffe - tomato - tomahto.
Mixing it up is important.

Unknown said...

Flower Camel sounds like a good name for a band...

Elisabeth Black said...

I love it. Go Jen.

Carol Kilgore said...

Happy Humpless Wednesday back to you! A day late.

abby mumford said...

i can't decide if flower camel or happy humpless should be my band name.

Diane Henders said...

Eh, giraffe... close enough. You get extra points for the flowers. Happy humpless day!

Linda G. said...

K-pop -- Poor Alice. ;)

JJJ -- Yes! Let's get our priorities straight.

Lara -- LOL! It does.

Elisabeth -- I know, right? Jen is AMAZING. (I know this from Twitter.)

Carol -- Better late than never! :)

Abby -- The question is, can a band be truly happy humpless? ;)

Diane -- Back atcha! :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

A camel... a giraffe... what's the dif? They're both cute. And hey! This one has flowers! What's not to like? Pbbbt. No sense fretting over a teensy hump(lessness) between friends.

LD Masterson said...

How did I miss this post last week?

Love the flower child.

Delia said...

Someone squished his hump and it came out the top of his head as horns. Right?