Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Humpy Birthday to Me!

Wait...that doesn't sound right. Well, you can blame Aurelia Blue -- she's the one who said it to me first.

Anyway, yup, it's my birthday today. Anybody want to help me blow out the candles?

(Oddly, I couldn't find any that said "Humpy" instead of "Happy.")

Or, really, maybe this should top my cake:

Not exactly sure what the day has in store for me yet. If TG had his way, it would include this fellow:

Have to admit, that is one handsome bulldog (as bulldogs go), but I still wouldn't want to follow it around with a plastic bag, if you get my drift. Hmm. Maybe he'll take me out to dinner instead. (TG, I mean. Not the bulldog.)

Already celebrated my birthday over the weekend, Grimes-Clan style. My SIL threw a birthday bash for my two birthday buddies (my nephews) and me, and it was full of fabulosity. We have to group birthdays, because my extended family around here is big. I like this, because I'm of the opinion that most things are more fun when shared.

Now, if any of you out there are wondering what in the heck you can do for Linda on her birthday (because I just know it's your priority today *grin*), you could always pop over to Amazon's IN A FIX page and click the "Like" button. I have it on good *cough* author-ity that this action really helps authors.* At the very least, it's fast, easy, and doesn't cost anything, so I don't feel too bad soliciting.**

*I'm not sure how it helps, precisely. In fact, I'm not sure how any of Amazon's mysterious algorithms work. But apparently they do something that helps sell books, so I guess I'll play. 

**Of course, if you don't like IN A FIX, don't click on it. Please don't feel like you have to tell me you don't like it. Not today, anyway. I mean, it is my birthday. Just quietly don't click on it, and we're still good. :)

May your Hump Day be spent appropriately! :)


abby mumford said...

linda!! many happy returns of the day!!! how appropriate your birthday is on a wednesday...and for that, i clicked like! i think you're the first person i've ever done that before. you've been busy on your birthday -- popping my amazon cherry and all that. ;)

Linda G. said...

Abby -- I'm your first? I'm honored! And thanks. :)

Teri Anne Stanley said...

Wow! You don't look a day older than however old you were last year.

Happy Humpy Birthday.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Happiest of birthdays, Linda!

Linda G. said...

Teri Anne -- *preens* Why, thank you. Of course, if my web cam were on, you'd be singing a different tune. ;)

Linda G. said...

Debra -- Thanks! :)

mshatch said...

Happy Birthday! Now I'm heading over to click...

Linda G. said...

MS -- Double thanks! :)

Patsy said...

Happy humpy birthday! In honour of the occasion I've spent literally minutes mangling you a limerick.

There is a lovely author called Grimes
Who entertains readers many times
her favourite mammal
is the splendid camel
and luckily her surname rhymes!

Linda G. said...

Patsy -- LOL! I LOVE it! Thank you. :D

LD Masterson said...

Happy Birthday.

I hopped and I clicked. Unfortunately, they didn't have a "hauled this book all over post-Sandy New Jersey and read it by the light of a glow stick" button.

Linda G. said...

LD -- Aw, thanks. And I LOVE your glow stick story. I wish Amazon did have a button for that! :D

Diane Henders said...

Happy Birthday! I rushed on over to Amazon, but they won't let me Like you twice. It's not for lack of trying, though. (Who makes those stupid rules, anyway?) :-)

Linda G. said...

Diane -- Huh. The nerve. But thanks for trying! :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Happy happy birthday! Yesterday was my hubby's birthday, and we DIDN'T (surprise, surprise) steam crabs for the occasion. So I guess we'll have to do it today in honor of YOUR birthday. Have a great one.

Here I go, off to click on that "like" button... (My first one on Amazon, too!)

Raley Blue said...

Oh my gosh, Linda!! Thank you so much for the linky love up there (I said, La-La-linky, you naughty darlings, not the other thing. ;) ) Or maybe when I'm spammed for being so cheesy, I'll have you to thank, hahahahaa. :D

Happy, happy birthday, Linda, dear! May all your birthday wishes come true and may you have many happy returns and many "Fixes" for anything that stands in your way. <3 p.s. and I adore the camel cake topper :)

Linda G. said...

Susan -- Mmmm...steamed crabs. Sounds wonderful! And thanks. :)

Ralie -- LOL! Thanks. :)

Carol Kilgore said...

I went, I clicked, I'm back. Actually, I thought I clicked a while back. Shame on me.

Didn't Elvis sing a song about "A Humpa, Humpa Burning Love"? :)

Carol Kilgore said...

Slapping forehead...forgot to wish you Happy Birthday!

Linda G. said...

Carol -- LOL! I think that was "hunka, hunka," but you're close enough for a Hump Day. And thanks! :)

Anne Gallagher said...

Happy Happy Birthday Linda. I hope you have a fabulous day!

I'm off to click now.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Happy Birthday, Linda! Mine was Sunday, by the way.

*clinking birthday glasses with you*

Mine is a martini, of course. What's yours?

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

Humpiest of birthdays, Linda. Happy to go like In A Fix as I do really, really like it!

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

OT – nominated you (along with 10 others) for The Versatile Blogger award. See my blog for details.

I don't think there is an actual winner but it made for a fun blogpost.