Y'ALL!!! Guess what?
*tries to pause for dramatic effect* *fails utterly*
The Debutante Ball, a group blog for debut authors, has invited me to be a part of their 2012 roster! (If you missed the announcement on their site yesterday, you can see it here.)
I'm so excited I could pee!
Oh, wait. That lacks a certain ... gentility, shall we say? Not very debutante-like. Perhaps I should rephrase it.
I'm so excited I could barf!
No? Maybe something a little more southern.
Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!
Um, okay. Perhaps gentility isn't my forte. Maybe proper clothing would help. I'm thinking something like this...
...because that pink matches the stripe I dyed in my hair after my agent, the amazing Michelle Wolfson, sold my books to the equally amazing Melissa Frain at Tor Books. (Try to ignore the fact that there are no comments on the book-selling/hair-dye post. There used to be over a hundred, but the Intense Debate commenting system I was using at the time had a glitch. *bites knuckle and sobs quietly* Not that I'm bitter ...)
But back to the outfit: the tiara looks kind of like a fountain pen nib, which is totally appropriate for a debut author, right?
The new class of Debs takes over at the end of August. I'll be filling the bawdy/naughty Friday slot currently held by Tawna Fenske. She's a tough act to follow, but I'll do my best!
Anyway, I'm hoping you'll come visit me at the Ball, and maybe stick around and meet the fabulous ladies I'll be sharing the dance floor with. It's a great group, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
Anyway, I'm hoping you'll come visit me at the Ball, and maybe stick around and meet the fabulous ladies I'll be sharing the dance floor with. It's a great group, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
Very cute! Enjoy your debut!
Aww, I missed the Twitter announcement! Congrats! Can't wait to follow you over. :)
You are a PERFECT follow up for Tawna...your blogs are two of the funniest out there, and I know I'm not alone in looking forward to posts! Congrats!!
Brilliant! Can't wait to start reading your debut articles :)
CONGRATULATIONS! That is sooo cool, and I know you'll have fun with it. (Almost as much fun as we'll have reading it!)
You'll be amazing!!!!!
Oops. Sorry.
*clears throat* I look forward to your debut with the utmost in excitement.
Congratulations! That dress has merit, but you might want to consider the gauzy Princess Jasmine attire as well. Goes with your fetish -- ah, I mean INTEREST in camels.
That's exciting news! I will definitely tune in to see if you can pull it off.
I mean, to see how well you do.
Yes, yes, that's what I meant.
Congratulations!! They are so lucky to have you! And pink becomes you m'dear - especially in taffeta! :)
Whoo HOOOOO!! That's fantastic news, dahling! Congratulations!!!
See you there!
I would have commented sooner, but I had to go change my drawers, I was so excited for you.
Very cool - congrats!
I've never been to that blog but I'm heading over there now. I'll watch for you.
It's eerie that you share agents with Tawna and now you're sharing blog days on the Debs. Are you sure Tawna isn't secretly your older author-sister? Congrats on stealing a slot in that very fine blog-roll! I'm excited to see what trouble you can get in over there.
Congrats - I know you'll be the belle of the ball!
I'm having serious issues with the pink dress though. I'm thinking it's not really "you". And it makes my teeth ache. :-)
Mia -- Thanks! :)
Summer -- Can't wait to see you there!
Elizabeth -- Thanks so much! Glad if I've been able to provide a chuckle or two. (It's the camels, right? Who can resist a camel post?)
Suz -- Thanks! Also, EEK! More posts to write. OMG, what have I done?
Susan -- I think it's going to be a blast! For me, anyway. ;)
K-pop -- You are so good for my ego. Can I keep you?
Patty -- LOL! One word: Depends. ;)
Abby -- Thanks!! :)
Dianne -- Fetish? Hahaha! Come on, admit it. You like camels, too. ;)
Jessica -- Snort! Um, I think it's supposed to be a family blog. (Yeah. We'll see how that goes.)
Nelsa -- Aww. *blushes* You are too sweet.
NoWo -- (Get it? NoWo for Novel Woman? Ha. Aren't I just too clever?) Anyway, thanks! I look forward to your visits there. :)
Teri -- LOL! Like I said upstream: Depends. ;)
Carol -- Great! I think you'll like it. :)
Steph -- I know, right? Or maybe we're actually the same person. Think about it. Have you ever seen us in the same place at the same time? *hoping to start a rumor*
Diane -- Aw, shucks. Thanks muchly. Re the pink: it IS a bit much, huh? Maybe I should consider a sedate aubergine.
Congrats! I don't think gentility is what Tawna's ex-audience is looking for. Just saying.
Aw! Awesome news and totally deserved! Look forward to your posts over at the deb ball:)
That tiara is very classy, but I think it could stand some jazzing up. How about a spray of blue crystals emerging from the top to represent ink?
Awesome! I wondered who the new debs would be.
I like the tiara... but the pink's a bit obnoxious. Call me Merryweather, but I like the blue better.
Trisha -- Huh. You have a point.
Michele -- Thanks! I look forward to seeing you there. :)
Patsy -- Oooh, I like that! Perfect. :)
Shakespeare -- Too Pepto-Bismal-ish? Yeah, I may have to reconsider color selection.
Congrats Linda, that's awesome news. I suspect you'll fit right in :)
That is so great...I promise to never miss an episode. What channel is this going to be on? Just kidding. I promise to read every Friday post. I am so excited...that just dills my pickle.
Hi Linda! I just wanted to say thanks again for your comments on my post over at Carol Kilgore's blog, I'm so glad to have found your site as a result! Wow, congratulations on your upcoming novel, and on the Ball roster, that's awesome. I've never heard of that site so I look forward to checking that out as well. Great to meet you! :)
Yay! How exciting! Very deserving and look forward to your posts. I say screw the tiara and wear a crown. Tiaras are for...:)
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