Monday, December 7, 2009

A brilliant idea

Okay, maybe not so brilliant, but I like it. Here it is:

If I write (several, some, a few) posts BEFORE I post them publicly, that will take some of the pressure off keeping up with the blog! You know, have some in reserve for those times when my brain isn't working, but I feel I ought to say something anyway. I just have to come up with some topics that aren't time sensitive. Let's see...

Confession: this is the point where I saved the draft of this post to go off and play computer Mahjong for a while. Which isn't as random as you might think. It is related to how I write, even my fiction. If I stall, a quick game of zapping those little tiles into oblivion helps me break down my mental roadblocks.

Corollary confession: I use different tile layouts for different characters. If my MC is giving being recalcitrant, I head for the Turtle. When she's beseiged by her family, the Fortress layout comes in handy. The Dragon and the Cat are ready and waiting if the guys in her life are holding out on me. And so on.

Silly, huh? Even I think so. But, being the pragmatic soul I am, I don't care. It works for me.

(This is my second day of blogging. And, no, I don't have any other posts in reserve, so my "brilliant" idea has already fizzled. I will officially have to wing it from here. *quakes*)


courtney summers said...

Winging it is the most fun and scary part of blogging. And I think you're gonna do just fine. You already ARE. :)

Linda G. said...

Aw, thanks, bb! (BTW, I think I stole "bb" from you. Do you have it trademarked? Are you supposed to receive compensation every time somebody uses it? Because if you are, I think I owe you big time.)