Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's Tuesday--what am I doing here?

Funny you should ask. The reason for this unusual Tuesday appearance it to remind you that this is my Launch Week over at The Debutante Ball.

Today, Deb Erika is beating the drum for me, and I'm answering her pressing question, "How the hell did you keep all that aura-adapting stuff straight in your head?"

Only she *cough* may have phrased it more delicately than that.

Oh, and you have another chance to win a signed ARC today. I'll even inscribe it however you want.*

So, stop on by here and enter. Or enter again, if you already entered yesterday. The more you comment, the better your chances of getting (almost) anything you want in writing from me.

*Well, withing reason. I mean, I won't write I.O.U. a million dollars, and sign that. What do I look like, an idiot? (No, that is not your obligatory end-of-blog question today.)

Um...here's your question:

I'm thinking of going from M-W-F posts to just two days a week instead, to free up more time for writing. Which days do you like to do your blog-reading? (Weekdays only, please. I'm not going to blog on weekends.)


Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Whichever two days you choose to write 'em.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Haha, I like Susan's comment! Same here. I'll be doing the same I think.

Al said...

What about Hump Day?
Some people need their weekly camel fix.
Time is such an issue isn't it?
It's why I've gone for "Piccie of the Day" It takes me 5 -10 minutes most days, not the hour plus of a longer post. Then when I have space I can put together something longer.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I, of course, also love the camels but if you're tired of doing them, I would understand.

I blog Tuesday's and Friday's. I know several other bloggers who do the same. I tried other days but they didn't work.

Are you sure you need to commit to exact days? Could you just say, I'm going to blog twice a week and do it when you can?

mshatch said...

If I had to choose I'd say wed/Fri cuz that's when I'd have more time to read :)

And I am enjoying your blog now that I've discovered it.

abby mumford said...

i blog two days a week -- tuesday and friday -- because i figured it spaced out the posts and kept my readers satisfied with them split in the middle of the week.

yeah, my 2 readers really seem happy about that.

as for you -- well, i don't know your schedule off hand, so i can't say what days would be good. i do know my tues/fri schedule have confused people because it's not the tradition tues/thurs or mon/wed or wed/fri, so in the interest of keeping the interwebs happy and unconfused, i'd keep that in mind when deciding.....