Wednesday, July 30, 2014

If you walk a mile in someone else's shoes...

...your feet will probably hurt. Because, really, what are the odds the shoes will be your size? 

Try to understand other people, sure. Be sympathetic to their struggles and problems. But keep your own shoes on, because you won't be any good to them if you're limping. ;)

*Ahem* Moving on...

I like to take long walks when I'm plotting. (My books, I mean. Not a bank job or a murder. Though, admittedly, it sometimes amounts to the same thing.)

I'm lucky in that, though I live firmly in the bustling heart of suburbia, a stream runs through my neighborhood, with woodland on either side of it, and a trail next to it. 

There's even a pond. 

Takes me all of about five minutes to get to it, and then I can pretend I'm deep in the woods. In the spring and summer, the birds and chattering squirrels provide enough background noise to drown out the sound of nearby traffic. It's pleasant. 

Sometimes I get lucky and see a few critters.

I'm the first to admit that I'm a fair-weather walker. If it's raining (or too hot, or too humid, or too cold ...), I tend to stay indoors and confine my ambling to the plot trails in my head. I mean, I'm all for exercise, but there's no need to be uncomfortable about it. ;)

Luckily, we've been hit with a stretch of fair weather here. Heck, it was 49 degrees F this morning! In JULY! And it's only supposed to get up to the high 70s today, with low humidity. Whoa. You can bet I'll be hitting the trail later. 

But before I do, here's a Hump Day camel for you:


Keep looking up--you'll find inspiration in the beauty of the heavens. But remember to look down occasionally, too, so you don't step on a turtle. Or worse. ;)


Dianne Salerni said...

We are having gorgeous weather here in Pennsylvania, too. My husband and I enjoy bike rides through various parks in nearby Delaware, but he's been on a long business trip and I don't know how to load the bike in his truck without it falling over. So I've been swimming for exercise and inspiration, although it is not as scenic. :P

Linda G. said...

Dianne -- Swimming is great exercise. Have to admit, I rarely visit our neighborhood pool anymore now that the kids are grown. I prefer gazing at natural bodies of water to dunking myself in chlorinated ones. *grin*

Carol Kilgore said...

What a cool bit of countryside to have at your fingertips. Here's hoping you never run into a camel out there, LOL!

Linda G. said...

Carol -- Ha! Now, THAT would be something write a blog post about. *grin*

Diane Henders said...

What a beautiful walk! I've been doing my walking in the early morning since we've been having temperatures in the high 80s (which is considered HOT around here). I walk and plot, too. I figure it's a good idea to keep moving so people can't get more than a glimpse of my face - when I'm deep in thought, it can be a scary sight!

Linda G. said...

Diane -- Good point! I hadn't considered what my face must look like while I'm figuring out how to make my characters suffer next. Scary indeed!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

What a perfect place to walk! (In perfect weather, of course...)

It was in the sixties here this morning, and it felt like a touch of autumn. Just a tease, though, I'm sure. It'll probably be back in the nineties before we have a chance to get too comfy.

(This was really a fun post!)

Linda G. said...

Susan -- Enjoy your taste of autumn! Doesn't happen often in July, does it?

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Glad you're having good plodding/plotting weather. Same here though I am not doing much of either p/p. I am enjoying that I am not suffering in my van since the ac broke.
I'm a water half full kind of woman.

Linda G. said...

Judy -- Me, too. I figure you may as well be optimistic, and have the joy of expecting the best, even if it turns out not to come to pass. Why be miserable before you have to?

S.P. Bowers said...

I saw a camel T-shirt the other day and thought of you. :)

Lovely pics. It's too hot and humid to go outside right now (though it's been a mild summer) but I'm looking forward to fall.

Anne Gallagher said...

It's been in the 70's here in RI and I'm practically freezing.

I told myself before vacation I was going to walk on the beach, walk to the lighthouse, walk to the corner up the street... and I even brought a new pair of sneakers. I guess I don't have anything to plot.

Teri Anne Stanley said...

I looked at my pedometer a few minutes ago and was like, "HOLY CORNFLAKES! I'M GOOD!" and then realized I haven't reset it in four days.

Oh well.

Linda G. said...

S.P. -- Aw, thanks. (Though I'm not sure about that camel thing. Maybe I should comb my hair.)

J.L. -- Thanks! :)

Anne -- Sometimes it's just hard to get motivated, huh? I'm sure you'll give those sneakers a workout when you're feeling better. :)

Teri Anne -- ROF,L! Hey, I should try that. You know, if I ever remember to take my pedometer with me.

LD Masterson said...

Great weather here, too. I usually take Sophie on my plotting walks, which keeps me from going too far or too fast since she has to sniff and pee on every single blade of grass. I like your bit of woods.

Linda G. said...

LD -- Grass, trees, and bushes are like internet message boards for dogs. *grin*

Deniz Bevan said...

Looks like a lovely place for a walk! I like to take walks while sorting through plots and conversations, too. It helps to be out in the woods in case I need to mutter out loud :-)