Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Look what's under the mini-tree!

Santa wants me to give away a signed copy of IN A FIX and a signed copy of QUICK FIX. And a $25 gift card to Amazon OR Barnes & Noble. 

That's right. The winner will get all three! And if the winner happens to already have signed copies of IAF and QF, then the winner is free to re-gift them. It's like having me Santa do your Christmas shopping for you! 

How do I know Santa wants me to do this? He told me. Hey, Santa and I are close. Really, really close.*

Isn't Santa-Baby a cutie-patootie? Plus, he has *ahem* big boots:

Anyway, I'm going to try out "Rafflecopter" to organize this giveaway. Have at it! And please (if you feel like it -- no pressure) spread the word. 

Oh, and remember -- Santa doesn't care if you celebrate Christmas or not. He just likes giving away presents. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Okay, so TG plays Santa at the Wolf Trap Holiday Singalong every year. So, by "close," I mean very close. *waggles eyebrows*

Edited To Add: YES, the contest is open internationally! And, yeah, people who "like" my author page on Facebook (see link on sidebar) get special consideration. ;)


Casey said...

I'm totally on the naughty list ;)

LD Masterson said...

Oh, Santa, what big boots you have...

Wait a minute, that was a wolf...I think. I'm so confused.

Sarah Meral said...

I was mostly nice this year, so I assume I´m on Santas nice list :D

S.P. Bowers said...

I'm always on the nice list. :)

Deniz Bevan said...

Can I be a little nice and a little naughty?

Linda G. said...

Casey -- I suspected as much. ;)

LD -- LOL! Hey, works for me.

Sarah -- You are! The Nicest list, in fact. :)

S.P. -- And you make it look good! :)

Deniz -- Absolutely! :)

Unknown said...

Nice list for me again this year. I need more opportunities to be naughty.

Van Pham said...

I think I would be found on both list! lol Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Karin said...

Im on the nice list

The Reading Frenzy said...

I'm on Santa's naughty but he thinks it's nice list because I'm always admiring his big boots :)
thanks for the contest

Patsy said...

I'm definitely on the nice list as I've been wonderfully good absolutely all year except for one tiny little thing - lying about how good I've been.

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

Really big boots? You know what that means.
Really big shoes also! Merry Christmas, Linda!

Elizabeth Bevins said...

I'm on the nice list of course.

Linda G. said...

Amber -- Sometimes you have to go looking for the right opportunities. ;)

Van Pham -- It's good to branch out. And you're welcome. :)

Karin -- Of course! :)

Debbie -- LOL! It's never a cut and dried as it seems, is it? ;)

Patsy -- Ha! You know, I may be in that exact situation. ;)

Dawn -- What DOES it mean? 0_0

Elizabeth -- But of course! :)

Anonymous said...

naughty.. 1 day of gifts or 365 days of fun. a. parrish

KatieF said...

Hopefully I was on the nice list this year :)

Muffintopmommy said...

What would Ciel think of your Santa? Hmm! :)

Hope you and your fam had a wonderful Christmas!


Sullivan McPig said...

I'm on the nice list. I've been only occasionally naughty this year.

Sullivan McPig said...

I'm on the nice list. I've been only occasionally naughty this year.

Unknown said...

I'm in the nice list ;)

Carol M. said...

I was nice, I believe. It was still fun. :)

Jennifer Shirk said...

Ooh, awesome giveaway!!!

Hope you had a nice Christmas, Linda!

Readsalot81 said...

Totally the naughty list :D

Blodeuedd said...

I'd love to say I am on the nice list but alas...I think it's the naughty one ;)

BookaholicCat said...

The naughty list of course. ;)

Melliane said...

If I could I would say the nice list, but I think it could be a lie and so at the end it's still the naughty list

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

This may be the first year I was on the nice list o.O

Claire Gilwen S. said...

Nice list, but naughty list is more fun ;)

Anonymous said...

I like to pretend I'm on the nice list. ;)

Anonymous said...

Heather here. I like to think overall I'm on the nice list, but naughty list when it comes to the hubs in the bedroom! Hahaha!!! ;)

The Joe said...

I'm probably on the Nice list, though I like to pretend otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I'm on the "Insufficient Data" list.

Spav said...

Pretty sure I'm on the nice list.
