A blast from Sesame Street's past for your viewing pleasure today:
[Edited to add: You don't have to fear watching this video. It's not as scandalous as the title of this post might imply. Actually, it's totally tame. In case you were worried.]
Isn't it amazing what some people can do with their hands?
Have you ever made hand shadows? Which animals are your favorite? I can do a sheep.
Okay, TG is reading over my shoulder. He said if I can type "I can do a sheep" with a straight face, I shouldn't have any trouble working a "hand job" into the title. (Only for you, honey.)
P.S. Maybe next time I should write the post before I have the martini...
P.P.S. This post is going up Wednesday morning. I am not writing it, martini in hand, on Wednesday morning. Or any morning. Just so you know.
May all the shadows following you today be Happy Hump Day ones! (Um, I'm hoping that doesn't sound creepy...)
Addendum: On Friday I'll be hosting Susan Spann, author of the newly published Claws of the Cat. She's one of this year's Debs over at The Debutante Ball, where I was a Deb last year, and she's written a truly wonderful guest post about how the reality of being published can be a little different than you expect. Hope you'll stop by and say hi to her. :)
Thank goodness your readership is mostly adult (at least in number of years).
Al -- Indeed. This is a maturity optional blog. ;)
Hey, there are many Wednesday mornings where I could use a martini!
Hey, I start dipping into the chocolate stash that early, to each their own, right?
Deniz -- LOL! I prefer tea or cocoa in the mornings, myself.
S.P. -- There are no time constraints on chocolate. *grin*
CAMEL! I should have known your hump day video would work that in somehow!!
Also, thanks for the shout out and thank you in advance for hosting me Friday!
The hand shadow animal I can do best is an amoeba.
A few posts ago The Bloggess was suggesting substitutions for cyber things that have become old. I thought of you because one of her suggestions was ((((humps)))) for (((hugs))).
Susan -- Looking forward to sharing you with my regular readers! :)
Patsy -- LOL! What do you do, make a fist? *grin*
JJJ -- Ha! I love it. :)
I wanna come and visit you when you're having martinis. Hilarious!
I laughed out loud. And there may have been some snorting noises. Just sayin'. Giggle.
Sounds to me like you and your hubby know how to have fun. Mine is real "helpful" like that, too.
When I saw the first mention of "hand job", it reminded of a horrifying segment I saw on TV last night, where Larry the Cable Guy was, um, shall we say, "extracting" semen from a whippet. Ewwwww. I didn't know that's how vets obtained dog semen for breeding. Again, EWWWW!
The only hand shadows I can remember making are a dog head and a flying bird. Not nearly as cool as the camel.
With the prelude of the title hand job, at first it looked like a penis until the rest of the body was shown. I know, "Jo, get your mind outta the gutter."
You know what I would LOVE? Drunk Linda movie commentary. Let's make this a thing. <3
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