Friday, July 20, 2012

Um, yeah, about that "guilt" stuff...

Our topic over at The Debutante Ball today is "Guilty Pleasures." I had no trouble with the "pleasures" part, but the "guilt" part kind of threw me. Why feel guilty about a little self-indulgence?

Okay, wait a second. In case you think I have no conscience at all, let me reassure you. I am capable of feeling guilt. Mostly over the major things -- you know, the stuff that hurts other people.

Lying, cheating, stealing ... I would feel horribly guilty over any of that.

Doing physical harm to anyone? Fuhgettaboutit. Cannot even contemplate it.

But eating candy? Having a cocktail or three (with no driving involved)? Eating chips, appreciating a nice specimen of the male persuasion? Reading a book that may not be classified as *cough* great literature? Well, I just don't happen to think there's anything especially guilt-worthy about it.

How about you? What sets your inner angel yammering in your ear?

P.S. My post at the Ball has pictures!

Seriously. You should go look. It's easy. Just click here. Tell Deb Linda that Badass Linda says hi. Try not to crack up at that "badass" while you're doing it. ;)

EDITED TO ADD: Looks like my wonderful publisher, Tor, is giving away free copies of In a Fix on GoodReads. Click here and enter (it's easy-peasy) for your chance to, yannoh, not pay for my book!

What's that you say? You've already pre-ordered? Why, thank you! If you win, you can give one away. :D


Dianne K. Salerni said...

I do feel guilty about not exercising more often. But it's so hard to write/blog on my laptop while exercising, and if I have to choose ...

abby mumford said...

guilty pleasures: reality TV, potato chips, sleeping in. yes, yes, and more yes!

Carol Kilgore said...

I need a guilty pleasures weekend :)
Now I'm going to look at your pictures!

Diane Henders said...

My guiltiest pleasure is when I ignore the phone and email and pretend I'm not home, and then spend the whole day writing. (But don't tell anybody, 'cause it's kinda like lying. And I feel kinda guilty about that.)

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I don't have any guilty pleasures. I refuse to feel guilty about my pleasures and refuse to indulge in pleasures that would make me feel guilty.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Oooh, Karen's answer is perfect. Don't think I can say it any better, so I won't even try.

LD Masterson said...

Oh, that's easy. It's the whole diet thing. I know I need to lose weight - for health if not for vanity (arthritic knees) - but I love to eat. I've spent my whole life either on a diet, just coming off a diet, or needing to start a diet.

Michele Shaw said...

I have guilt over the big stuff like you, but sometimes because of the chips and candy too. I probably wouldn't if I didn't work out so much, but because of the hard work, those calories really burn on the way down. Not that it stops me at times, but I find it hard to enjoy them. I need to fix's too short!

Kimberly Sabatini said...

I grew up Catholic...loaded with guilt. LOL!