Friday, April 20, 2012

When Life Pitches You Curveballs

Hi there. I'm still alive. Sort of. *cough, cough, hack, wheeze*

You know how when you plan a nice blog hiatus to get a bunch of novel writing done, and a family member goes into the hospital for surgery, and everyone around you gets sick, and another family member goes into the same hospital for an emergency appendectomy (and winds up in the room next to the first family member, which is kind of convenient, but still), and then you get sick, too?*

Yeah, you know how it is.

That explains why my post on pitches at The Debutante Ball today is rather short. But, I hope, helpful.

Hope to see you there! :)

*This is why I should never go on vacation. Come to think of it, the last vacation I took started with an earthquake and ended with a hurricane. 


Shrinky said...

Yikes, erm, ac-tu-all-y, I'm kinda' glad to say, no, I'm fortunate enough NOT to know how it is (fingers crossed).. but am sincerely sorry you obviously seem to do.

Ugh, what a crock to cope with! Let's hope all the medical necessities are finally done to death (ouch) now, and you and your relies can look forward to enjoying a good, long recuperative summer.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Oh, no. Some hiatus.
Sorry, hon.

Off to the Ball now...

Teri Anne Stanley said...

Sadly, I do kinda know what that's like. I keep trying to convince myself that all that stuff piles up so that you don't have to worry about one issue too much, you can spread it around...yeah, right.
Hang in there!

abby mumford said...

oh no! i'm sending healthy thoughts to you and yours. take care!

Carol Kilgore said...

Well that nails it then. No more vacations for you :)

Deborah Small said...

Good heaven. I certainly hope you're all on the mend! ((HUG)).

Jeffe Kennedy said...

That'll learn ya! You going on blog hiatus clearly benefits NOBODY.

Kristina L. Martin said...

Oh sweetie. Take care of yourself. {hug}

Kimberly Sabatini said...


Diane Henders said...

The universe has a sadistic sense of humour. Hope you and all family members are feeling better soon!

Patty Blount said...

Oh, honey... you probably don't know what day it is lately. I understand.

Sending hugs, love, and prayers.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Sickness, earthquakes and hurricanes. Might I suggest a short sabbatical next time instead of a vacation.
Maybe changing the wording would ward off disaster.

Unknown said...

Oh no!! sounds awful!!
Hope everything gets better soon!!

Tracy Jo said...

Oh no! What a bummer...I hope everyone is feeling better!

out of the wordwork said...

Oh, dear, Linda! Hope all are getting better. I hear you on the curveballs. Curveballs I can handle - it's the fastballs coming straight at your head that do me in (nursing a few bumps on my head myself these past two weeks) Sending you most positive vibes and cyber hugs!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, Linda! All I can say is I hope you and everyone else whose poorly gets well soon!

Linda G. said...

Thank you all for your kind comments! Everyone seems to be on the mend now. *knocks wood*

Hope to be back on a regular blogging schedule soon. :)

Jill Kemerer said...

Oh, no! I hate when that happens. Get better soon, okay? :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Well, crap. Sorry to hear it. The best-laid plans of mice, men, and evidently writers, are "aften gang aglee". Get well soon.

Al said...

My life has felt very like that just recently. Hang in there it will get better

Jessica Lemmon said...

Eek! But I have a vacation coming up! Wait...if I do that proactive worrying thing, none of that will happen...right?

Get well soon!!!