Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Humpy 2012, everybody!

Wow. 2012 really snuck up on me!

Here's something worthy of the first Hump Day post of the new year (don't worry, it's short*):

How can you watch that and not love camels? Obviously, camels are just great big puppies.

(Thanks for the link to the vid, Steve!)

*Not something I'm used to hearing around here. ;)


Summer Frey said...

Awwww, cute! I want a camel.

Delia said...

Cute! He needs to let his tongue loll out the side to complete the puppy illusion. :)

abby mumford said...

now that was unexpected. bring it on, 2012!

LD Masterson said...

I've never seen a camel scamper before, but that's what he was doing.

Anne Gallagher said...

AWW How cute. I want one.

Bess Weatherby said...

Did you know Australia is home to largest population of rabid camels in the world?


Happy Hump Day Linda!

Diane Henders said...

I've never seen a camel run before - I'm sure that can't be healthy. It looked like he was going to break in pieces.

But I had to stand closer to that video. It was shorter than I thought.

Happy Hump Day!

LAH said...

WOAH I just re-watched the first 9 seconds of that video over and over-- face frozen in that confused mix of hilarity, disbelief, and a sense of awkwardness.


Camels have always kind of freaked me out, but that was pretty damn adorable. Who is this girl, racing with camels? I thought MY life was difficult to explain.

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

That was so cute - he's all gangly legs and it looks so silly and fun when he runs.

A whole new view on camels - thanks for that.

Carol Kilgore said...

It looked like he was playing with you!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Puppies that spit! But it is a funny video.

Patsy said...

That's great - especially the first clip.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

What a cutie. I love the way he runs. (Can't be easy with those weird knees.) Happy Hump Day.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I have never seen a camel run like that! Ha, ha!

That certainly puts a dent in the bad press camels have for being nasty-tempered, spitting critters!

Steph Schmidt said...

Holy camel that is the awkwardest run I've ever seen! Might explain why people have a hard time riding camels. Super adorable camel all the same at the end breathing on the camera.

Happy First Hump Day of the year!

Trisha Leigh said...

Too many inappropriate jokes, what with the humpy year and the you're not used to short comments. I think I'll just giggle to myself and say, um, that's a cute camel vid. :)

Teri Anne Stanley said...

If I were to start jogging, I might have to buy a camel. Then I wouldn't look so awkward. Maybe.

Sarah Tokeley said...

I'm thinking that might be the first time I've ever seen a camel run. Do they all run like that, or is he special?